Academic Catalog

Student Services and Campus Life

The Office  of Student  Affairs
Bishop Cornelius L. Henderson Student Center, Suite 250
Telephone: (404) 880-8040

The Office of Student Affairs serves as an integral part of the Clark Atlanta University mission by creating educational environments that foster community, engagement and learning experiences beyond the classroom. As part of the Student Affairs Division, various student support departments and units including Career and Professional Development, Counseling and Disability Services, Residence Life and Student Development, Recreational and Intramural Sports, Student Leadership and Engagement, and Student Health Services work together to support the whole development of students.

The Office of Student Affairs’ mission is to responsibly provide enriching student support services that facilitate the holistic development of students. Our vision is to collectively build and execute a rich array of student-centered, co-curricular experiences in collaboration with academic support services that contribute to undergraduate and graduate student persistence and graduation.

General Regulations

Student Rights and Standards for Personal Conduct

Clark Atlanta University endorses both the academic freedom – freedom to teach and freedom to learn; freedom to think, freedom of speech, freedom to write, and freedom to publish as well as the American citizenship freedoms, including freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of the press, and freedom to petition for redress of grievances. The University continuously seeks constructive changes and works with faculties and student government associations in order to make necessary revisions in programs and procedures. It respects the right of students to criticize, dissent, and protest.

But academic freedom is not academic license. Therefore, in the interest of ensuring the education which students are here to receive, the University does not tolerate the use of physical obstruction which infringes upon the freedom of others, denies the opportunity for teachers to teach and for students to learn, and interferes with the right of speakers to speak and listeners to listen. The University maintains that the rights and freedoms of students do not include the right to hamper and restrain the movements of others; to interfere with school operations, including the conduct of classes and performance of office work; to obstruct movement into, through, and out of school buildings; to disrupt school operations; to seize and occupy school buildings; and to injure persons, or to damage and destroy property.

The University affirms that there is no place in this free school – dedicated as it is to support the basic principle that free inquiry and free expression are fundamental and indispensable rights which should be enjoyed by all members of the academic community – for dissent which expresses itself through the use of physical force and/or physical obstruction. Therefore, students who use physical force will be held fully responsible and appropriately disciplined in accordance with the "Code of Student Conduct," as published on the university polices webpage:

Clark Atlanta University exists under provisions of Georgia law and each student, whether or not a resident of the State of Georgia, is required to abide by those provisions. Possession of alcoholic beverages, drugs, and firearms by minors is in violation of Georgia law and Clark Atlanta University policy.

Upon matriculation at Clark Atlanta University each student becomes a citizen of the University community, entering voluntarily into a liberal agreement based on freedom and responsibility. All regulations have been established as basic requirements for the orderly functioning of the University community and are based on the assumption that students require minimum regulations.

Major offenses include the utilization of University facilities for sexual misconduct; the illegal use and/or sale of narcotics; theft; gambling; sexual assault; and the possession of firearms and/or explosives. Students found responsible of any of these conduct violations will be suspended or permanently dismissed from the University.

Due Process

A student alleged of serious conduct violations is notified in writing of the specific charge by the Director of Student Conduct. The student is also notified in writing of the time and place for the case review and is reasonable time and opportunity to prepare for the adjudication process. The student also may testify and present evidence in his/her behalf in accordance with the procedures set forth in the "Code of Student Conduct."

Student Affairs

Department of Athletics

Vivian W. Henderson Center/Gymnasium, Room 211
Telephone: (404) 880-8126

Clark Atlanta University has been a member of the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SIAC) of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) for Division II schools since 1913, when the Conference was established. Since that time, the Clark Atlanta University athletics program has developed excellent players in each sport that it sponsors. The University’s Intercollegiate Athletics programs afford students the opportunities to enjoy and distinguish themselves in sports, as well as provide excellent athletic competition. For the enjoyment of the student body, faculty, and community, varsity teams in baseball, football, men's and women's basketball, men's and women's cross country and track and field, women's volleyball, women's tennis, and softball compete with teams from various colleges throughout the area. Eight (8) SIAC Conference championships in the past eight years attest to the strength of the University's athletic programs.

The mission of the Athletics Department is to provide a comprehensive intercollegiate sports program for men and women that foster their academic, athletic, spiritual, and personal growth and development leading to graduation and life after the University. The vision of the Athletics Department is to earn recognition as a premiere athletic program with diverse student-athletes excelling in academics, community service and post-season competition.

OFFICE OF Recreational and Intramural Sports Program

The Office of Recreational and Intramural Sports Program coordinates leisure, recreational, and intramural sports such as flag football, powder puff football, kickball and basketball. Residential and commuter students are encouraged to participate in the activities.  
Our mission is to provide a broad and diversified program of sports and activities that meet the needs and interests of the Clark Atlanta University community. The recreational sports program comprises intramurals, sports clubs, aerobics, and open recreation (Billiards, open gym, weight room). Up-to-date information concerning scheduled activities can be obtained through the Student Activity Calendar and other University publications.

Office of Student Health Services (SHS) / 

AUCC Student Health and Wellness Center, (SHWC)

Location:  455 Lee Street SW, Third Floor, Suite 300A

Telephone number:  404-756 1241   

Fax number: 404-756-1237


Services Provided

AUCC SHWC provides a range of health services including annual preventive, treatment for illnesses, immunizations, sexual and reproductive health, allergy injections and more. AUCC SHWC physicians are board certified and hold faculty appointments at Morehouse School of Medicine.  AUCC SHWC is prepared to address a wide range of behavioral health challenges including anxiety, depression, and trauma to guide students in developing lifelong healthy coping skills. 

Hours of Operation

Clinic Hours: Monday- Friday 8AM-4PM

To schedule an appointment, please dial 404-756-1241. The CAU Student Health Services (SHS) team located at 128 Mildred Street (CAU Suites at the corner of Mildred and Beckwith Streets) will work in collaboration with the AUCC SHWC to provide assistance with immunization compliance on Point and Click medical portal. CAU SHS office hours are Monday-Friday from 8AM-4:00PM.

The Office of Student Health Services’ mission is to provide quality acute healthcare to all eligible CAU students and to promote health education awareness programs that assist students in making health and wellness a priority. Our vision is to offer expanded, responsive and preventive health services to students and promote evidence-based health education programs and support to maintain healthy lifestyles.

The Office of Student Health Services staff assists the University in meeting these objectives by providing treatment of episodic acute illnesses, preventive health care, and health education. These services are designed to help students maintain good health and to achieve their primary goal – that of obtaining a higher education. In case of illness, the student must report promptly to the Student Health Center, the residence director, or appropriate dean's office. In cases of emergencies, families are notified promptly. Students are urged to seek assistance before their illness becomes incapacitating.

All Nonemergency visits to the AUCC Student Health and Wellness Center should be made when the student has no scheduled classes. The AUCC Student Health and Wellness Center is closed when the university is not in session. In case of illness, the student must report promptly to the Office of Student Health Services. The Department of Public Safety is the designated first responder. Student are urged to seek assistance before their illness becomes incapacitating. In case of emergencies, families are notified promptly.

Outpatient Service

Office treatment at the Office of Student Health Services is provided without cost to the student. Referrals are made for chronic or specialized care. The Office of Student Health Services is not responsible for medical fees or expenses derived from treatment rendered by any outside physician or facility. Students are required to obtain a referral prior to an outside physician’s visit when using the University’s health insurance plan. Refer to the online brochure for more information.

Illness Excuse Policy

Students who are too ill to attend classes are advised to report in person to the Office of Student Health Services for evaluation and disposition. Excuses will be granted based on the University’s excuse policy.

Eligibility for Treatment

All enrolled students are eligible for treatment and services offered by the Office of Student Health Services. Students seeking care must present their University identification care and must have the required health documentation on file.

Eligibility for Treatment

The University offers a compliant comprehensive medical plan under the Affordable Care Act. All full-time undergraduate students, all residential students, and all international students with F1 or J1 visas are required to participate in the University’s insurance plan. Students with comparable coverage from a parent, spouse or other source may apply for a waiver. All students are required to participate in the University’s plan. This plan is renegotiated annually, and as such, benefits and cost are subject to change. Specific questions may be directed to the Office of Student Health Services staff at (404) 880-8322. Graduate students may opt out of health insurance with proper coverage.

Immunization Requirements

All first-time entering students, transfers and international students enrolling at the University are required to provide proof of the following immunizations/tests prior to registration in order to avoid a “Medical Hold” during matriculation:

  • 2 Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
  • Tetanus – Tdap (within 10 years)
  • Meningitis – Menomune Quadrivalent: A/C/Y/W-135; 1 or 2 doss- (within 5 years of matriculation)
  • PPD (tuberculin) skin test (5mm or less), within one year of matriculation is required. A chest x-ray for students with a PPD reading greater than 5mm, within one year of matriculation is required.
  • IGRA is acceptable for TB screening
  • Medical and religious exemptions must be notarized on the CAU immunization form.

Persons born prior to 1957 are considered immune and are therefore exempt from the MMR requirement. However, students will have to provide proof of remaining immunizations /test.

Mail immunization records to:
Clark Atlanta University
Office of Student Health Services
223 James P. Brawley Drive, S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30314


Fax immunization records to:
(404) 880-6010 (Must include student name and 900# ID and contact number on all documents)


Upload your immunization records electronically with My Panther Health Portal I

It’s easy as 1,2,3!

  • Step 1: Login to
  • Step 2: Click the “immunizations” tab and input the dates of all listed requirements and PPD test result as documented on your immunization form.
  • Step 3: Click the upload tab and choose the immunization document/picture you are uploading then select the file, then click upload.

You’re all done! Please note that your record will not be considered compliant until all three steps are completed.

Office of Counseling and Disability Services

Location:  Trevor Arnett Hall, Room 300

Telephone Number:  404-880-8044

Fax:  404-880-8440

Email address:

The Office of Counseling and Disability Services’ mission is to provide personal counseling and consultation services to CAU students for a wide array of mental health issues and to offer outreach programs to enhance students’ overall well-being and academic progress. Our vision is to prevent the occurrence and escalation of mental health issues and problems by advocating early intervention and by providing increased student mental health educational awareness programs to foster a psychologically healthy, interpersonally effective and well-functioning student body.

The Office of Counseling and Disability Services is a comprehensive mental health counseling and personal assistance facility providing psychological, emotional and social development services and resources to all CAU students. The Office seeks to enhance the overall well-being, psychological and interpersonal functioning of students. The Office of Counseling and Disability Services offers individual and group counseling, drug and alcohol awareness and prevention counseling, stress and anger management skills-building strategies, as well as an array of personal/social development programs.

To meet its charge, the Office staff consists of a director, licensed clinical social worker, other licensed mental health counselors, and support staff who serve both undergraduate and graduate students during their matriculation at Clark Atlanta University. The Office is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. After-hour appointments also may be arranged by request. Students may schedule their own appointments, or they may be referred by University administrators, faculty, staff, or other interested parties. All services are strictly confidential.

Services Provided

Counseling and Disability Services is dedicated to providing confidential counseling and educational outreach services to enhance CAU students’ mental health, interpersonal and psychological well-being on their journey to leading more effective and rewarding lives. Counseling is provided using a holistic approach and encourages self-learning in a confidential environment. Counseling services include individual counseling, group and couple’s counseling. Staff is available to assist with anxiety, depression and mental health or emotional well-being concerns. Workshops, forums, classroom and dorm presentations are available on a variety of topics. These include: stress management, grief, gender issues, male/female relationships, sexual assault, alcohol, conflict resolution and other drug use.  The Center is staffed by licensed mental health professionals and is open Monday through Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; appointments and walk-ins are welcomed.

Disability Services

Clark Atlanta University is committed to the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act-ADA of 2008, Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended,  and Section 504 in providing an equal educational opportunity for all qualified students with permanent or temporary disabilities. Reasonable accommodations are academic adaptations that do not compromise academic standards or the mastery of essential course elements, but provide students with disabilities an equal opportunity to succeed. These accommodations include, but are not limited to, academic adjustments, auxiliary aids and services, student services, readers and career counseling, seminars, priority scheduling, tutorial services, referral to state and community resources, and disability parking.

Office of Religious Life and The SOUL Space

Student Center, Suite 113
Telephone: (404) 880-8041/404-880-6119

Email Address:

The mission of the Office of Religious Life, guided by its affiliation with the United Methodist Church, is to promote spiritual awareness within the University community that will undergird the scholastic and social interactions of its constituents. The vision of the Office of Religious Life is to empower students to become spiritually, socially and culturally engaged to positively impact the campus and the global community.

The Office of Religious Life, under the direction of the University Chaplain, seeks to foster a university-wide culture of increased spiritual awareness and respect for diverse faith traditions supported by an intellectual, cultural, and socially curious environment. The office endeavors to provide the theology, counseling, programming, and opportunities for spiritual formation, guided by sound moral and theological values, to the entire university community. In addition to forming a faith community on campus, faith enrichment opportunities are available through service learning projects, participation in campus-wide functions, and local civic events.

At Clark Atlanta University, Weekly Chapel Services are at the heart of Religious Life and includes a variety of programs such as, Faith Enrichment, Chapel Assistants Program, CAU Worship Choir, Spoken Word Ministry, Praise Dance and Mime Ministry, Small Group Studies, Prayer and Counseling, Muslim Student's Association, Monthly Spiritual Awareness Forums and Monthly Leadership Development Trainings. The office also collaborate with the University divisions, a number of student organizations as well as associated campus ministries to ensure that our community has access to a diverse number of opportunities for holistic faith formation.

Clark Atlanta University enjoys a rich close relationship to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church.

As an institution of higher learning related to the United Methodist Church, Clark Atlanta University encourages the development of each student’s relationship with God.  The Office of Religious Life (ORL) oversees the University’s efforts to promote faith formation by offering various opportunities for Students, Faculty, and Staff of all faith traditions to share in meaningful spiritual activities. ORL also collaborates with a number of student organizations to encourage diverse and relevant opportunities for growth through worship, study and service.

Some of the opportunities provided by the Office of Religious Life include:

  • Weekly Sunday Chapel Service, Haven-Warren, Davage Auditorium, 11:00 a.m.
  • Weekly Bible Study, Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm (Locations vary)
  • Small group discussions that encourage self-expression through a theological lens (Locations vary)
  • Monthly Community Service/Service Learning opportunities
  • Pastoral counseling and support by appointment (Unless an emergency)
  • Vocational/Career Discernment by appointment
  • Prayer (Individual and collective opportunities)
  • A safe space for prayer, mediation, and reflection for all faith traditions

The C.A.U.S.E. (The Clark Atlanta University Soul Experience) – is a student-led organization that empowers individuals to explore their faith in order to become socially-conscious servant leaders whose aim is to transform the world.

SOUL Space – a place for prayer, meditation, and reflection for all faith traditions located in the Student Center, Suite 113. Open daily. 

Office of Residence Life and Student Development

CAU Suites, Suite 100
Telephone: (404) 880-8074


Residence Life and Student Development Mission 

The Office of Residence Life and Student Development at Clark Atlanta University, in support of the University’s mission, purpose and strategic plan, is committed to developing a safe and supporting living and learning environment; through the implementation of innovative learning programing and academic interventions. Through this approach students receive the opportunity to empower students to altruistically engage in creating change in self and the greater community. 

The Office of Residence Life and Student Development prides itself on the following pillars: 

  • High quality and prompt delivery of excellent customer service 
  • Living conditions that are safe, accessible and functional  
  • Implementing intentional educational programming to positively affect student mattering, retention, engagement, and academic excellence 

Residence Life and Student Development Vision 

The Office of Residence Life and Student Development at Clark Atlanta University will be a premier living-learning community that is recognized amongst all universities and colleges for its innovation, collaboration and excellence. The Office Residence Life and Student Development at Clark Atlanta University will strive to be the heartbeat of the University community, and essential in the development of our students. 

Living and Learning Communities  

The Office of Residence Life offers a variety of Living Learning Communities (LLCs). LLCs provide students the opportunity to connect with someone upon arrival at their selected institutions. 

  • LLCs consists of a group of students with similar majors or interests who live on the same floor or floors of a Residence Hall. 
  • Research suggests students who participate in a living and learning community are more likely to be retained by their institution. 
  • LLCs give students the opportunity to explore the area, participate in shared coursework and start the path towards academic success. 

Services Provided 

The Office of Residence Life and Student Development provides furnished housing for students. The residence hall is an environment for collaborative exploration through programming and living learning experiences which impacts student development, through transformative events, meetings and partnerships. The Office of Residence Life and Student Development ensures that students, parents, University personnel, and constituents are aware of any changes to existing policies or procedures or the development of new ones as it relates to housing. The Office of Residence Life and Student Development complies with University and National standards of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  The Office of Residence Life and Student Development updates the policies and procedures manual periodically to ensure compliance with University regulations. 

On-Campus Housing 

The University’s residence halls provide students with comfortable and safe housing and proximity to classrooms, library and other support facilities. Since the residence hall environment also impacts the development and well-being of residents, programs and services of the Office of Residence Life and Student Development are dedicated to fostering a high-quality on-campus housing experience.  

Room Reservations and Assignments 

All students must apply and complete the online housing application.  

New students must pay a one-time nonrefundable Enrollment Confirmation Fee to access the Residence Life Portal. Additionally, students applying for on-campus housing will be required to pay a non-refundable Room Reservation Fee

All continuing students must complete course registration prior to being granted access to the Residence Life Portal. After completion of registration, students must apply and complete the online housing application. Returning students must pay a non-refundable Room Reservation Fee to select a room assignment for the upcoming academic year. Students will forfeit the fee if they fail to enroll, and an assignment has been made. 

Students withdrawing from the University and/or residence hall after registration may have housing cost adjusted at a prorated amount, depending on the date of withdrawal/move-out. For more information about student housing and other rules, policies and procedures, please refer to the online CAU Residential Living Guide. 

Meal Plan Requirement: 

All undergraduate and residential graduate students enrolled at Clark Atlanta University will be required to have a university meal plan. The meal plan will be charged to the student’s banner account based on the criteria listed below: 


Office of Student Leadership and Engagement

Bishop Cornelius L. Henderson Student Center, Suite 245
Telephone: (404) 880-6379

The Office of Student Leadership and Engagement’s mission is to provide Clark Atlanta University students with co-curricular opportunities in self-awareness and leadership development/professional learning through clubs, societies, organizations as well as other cultural, social, and recreational events and activities. Our vision is to collaborate with the University community and cultivate a campus of student leaders with ethics, integrity, and distinction who will contribute to the global society as lifelong learners, achievers, and mentors.

The Office of Student Leadership and Engagement manages numerous student activities, in addition to providing quality leadership and educational experiences beyond the classroom. Through clubs and organizations, as well as cultural, social, recreational, and leadership programming, student life programs and student activities make available to students opportunities for leadership development and self-realization. Student organizations provide opportunities for students interested in out-of-class participation, fellowship and leadership development.

Bishop Cornelius L. Henderson Student Center

The primary functions of the Henderson Student Center are to:

  • Provide convenient services that meet the needs of the student population,
  • Promote programs and activities that are responsive to the developmental, physical, social, and educational needs of the student body and university community.
  • Maintain a clean, safe and relaxing environment for all constituents.

Chartered Student Organizations

Clark Atlanta University encourages students to join any of our honor societies; academic (major area) clubs; Greek-letter organizations; and other service, social, and cultural groups that are recognized and approved by the University for student participation and membership. Students must meet the minimum scholastic standards as set forth by the University before approval and admission into such organizations.

Honor Societies

Below are samples of some of our honor societies that are available at Clark Atlanta University: (Memberships are determined on the basis of merit and achievement)

  • Alpha Epsilon Lambda Graduate Honor Society
  • Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society
  • Golden Key National Honor Society
  • Isabella T. Jenkins Honors Program
  • Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society
  • Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

Academic Clubs

Academic (major area) clubs are designed to provide students the opportunity to engage in and interpret the broader educational implications of their chosen area of study. Some of these organizations are nationally affiliated and help students gain important global and professional perspectives.

  • Biology Club
  • Broadcast Club
  • Business Leaders Initiative (BLI)
  • CAU American Marketing Association "The Marketing Club"
  • English Club
  • National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
  • National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOPABCCE)
  • National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
  • Pre-Professionals Health Society
  • Pre-Dental Society
  • Pre-Law Society
  • Undergraduate Psychology Association

Greek-Letter Organizations

Fraternities and sororities play an active role on the CAU campus, and contribute to the cultural, scholastic, political, service, and social life at the University. The Greek letter organizations provide another vehicle for student leadership opportunities. They provide their members with a strong bond of friendship and esprit de corps.

  • Pan Hellenic Council
  • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Phi Chapter
  • Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Alpha Pi Chapter
  • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Gamma Kappa Chapter
  • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Beta Psi Chapter
  • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Sigma Chapter
  • Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Psi Chapter
  • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., Psi Chapter
  • Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., Phi Chapter
  • Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc., Epsilon Beta Chapter

General Organizations

Membership and participation in academic clubs, organizations, and activities is voluntary.

Student Government Association

The Clark Atlanta University Student Government Association (CAUSGA) serves as the official representatives of the student body at CAU. CAUSGA officers and the presidents and/or official organization representatives of all chartered student organizations comprise the Council of Chartered Organizations (CCO), which is the executive arm of student government. The SGA represents the student body in its formal relations with the administration, faculty, other institutions, and the public. Student organizations contribute to the continuous improvement of the students and are considered invaluable. The presidents of the CAUSGA are also delegates to the University's Board of Trustees.

Class Council

  • Freshmen Class
  • Sophomore Class
  • Junior Class
  • Senior Class

Student Publications

Students aim to publish a monthly University newspaper and an annual yearbook, which reflect student opinion. These publications are produced under the advisement of the faculty and staff and without administrative censorship. Student publications provide practical experience in journalism.

  • The Panther Newspaper
  • The Panther Annual Yearbook

Cultural/Performing Groups

Philharmonic Society; CAU Worship Choir, Heavenly Divine Praise Dance Ministry, Heavenly Family Mime; Mighty Marching Panther Band, Pep Band, Symphonic Band, Essence Dance Team, CAU Drumline, Silver Breeze Flag Corps; and cheerleaders.

Religious Organizations

The Dean for Spiritual Life and University Chaplain is charged with the responsibility of coordinating all religious activities and communication between religious life organizations. The Office of Spiritual Life and Engagement is responsible for Faith Formation and Community Service to promote fellowship and religious unity on campus for students, faculty, and staff who represent a cross section of denominations and faiths. All campus ministries operate under the auspices of Religious Life.

Office of International Programs

President’s Parking Lot Trailer #3
Telephone Number: (404) 880-6215

The Office of International Programs (OIP) serves as the primary resource for the University’s international initiatives, programs and services. OIP coordinates the domestic and international exchange programs designed to prepare students for the global workforce, promote global citizenship and leadership, and enhance cultural awareness and understanding. Through collaborations with University faculty and international partners, the OIP facilitates the development of faculty-led education abroad programs that provide opportunities for faculty, staff and students to engage in quality educational, experiential, research and service-oriented programs abroad.

The OIP provides support and services to the multicultural and diverse international students matriculating at the University, to assist with maintenance of their nonimmigrant student visa status and facilitate their academic progression and degree completion. The OIP is also the primary University liaison to U.S. government agencies (Department of Homeland Security, Department of State) on immigration-related matters. In addition to issuing documents for international students to obtain student visas to study at Clark Atlanta University, the OIP staff works with other University departments concerning admissions, registration and enrollment, housing, medical insurance, employment, U.S. taxes and graduation.

The OIP maintains the data and resources on the University’s approved international partnerships, memorandum of understandings and consortia agreements with institutions, educational organizations, ministries and governments. To ensure both quality and appropriateness to the University’s mission and academic standards, all proposals for new international partnerships and agreements are coordinated through the OIP and are reviewed and approved by the academic department chairs, school deans, provost, and general counsel.

Office of Career and Professional Development (CPD)

Location:                     Wright-Young Hall, Suite 118

Telephone number:    404 880 6725

Email address:   

The Office of Career and Professional Development’s mission is to provide quality career development programming designed to prepare students for additional educational experiences and meaningful and productive careers in a global economy. Our vision is to provide online technology to enhance students’ ability to conduct career self-awareness inventories and searches to seek opportunities in gaining practical experience and placement in employment and/or graduate/professional school.

The Office of Career and Professional Development plays an integral part in the professional development of students by encouraging integrity, social responsibility and respect while providing opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to pursue meaningful careers in a variety of professional and occupational fields. We strive to increase our partnerships with corporate, governmental and other agencies to enhance student career placement.

The Office of Career and Professional Development provides assistance in formulating and implementing individual career plans. Various programs and workshops are offered each semester to assist students with relating educational experiences to employment opportunities. The Office of Career and Professional Development works with students during all phases of the career development process. Our services include individual career planning, resume development, mock interviews and professional development workshops. We also provide assistance and opportunities for students to participate in internships and cooperative education programs. Through these programs, students gain career related real world experiences that focus on their academic education and training. Academic credit is also available depending on a student’s individual program.

Students have the opportunity to network with industry leaders and recruiters while developing professional skills that lead to employment and lifelong personal development. We partner with public, private, governmental and corporate organizations to match qualified students with internships, co-ops and permanent career opportunities. These partnerships provide an array of opportunities for students to experience professional and personal growth.

Services Provided

CPD strives to provide quality services and career development programming designed to prepare the CAU student for the global economy of work and graduate studies.  CPD serves as an integral part in the professional development of our students by providing opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to pursue meaningful careers in a variety of professional and occupational fields.  To this end CPD offers the following services to all students:

  • Career Handshake Recruitment platform
  • Individualized and group career counseling sessions
  • Self-Awareness and career exploration inventories
  • Workshops: Resume Writing, Interviewing Strategies, Mock Interviews and Dressing for Success
  • Experiential Learning: Cooperative Education and Internships
  • Annual Fall AUCC, CAU and Graduate and Professional School Career Fairs
  • Other activities in which CPD is involved include posting job notices, coordinating on-campus interview opportunities, and maintaining employer lists.  Through on-campus interviews and workshops/seminars students have the opportunity to interact with representatives in both formal and informal settings in efforts to explore career paths.

Office of Business Services

Telephone: (404) 880-8317

The mission of the Office of Campus Services is to enhance the quality of campus life through the delivery of quality goods and services to our students, faculty, staff, alumni and guests. The vision of the Office of Campus Services is to set standards of excellence on the campus by continuously refining and improving customer-based services and products in a market-driven environment

CAU Mail Center

Bishop Cornelius L. Henderson Student Center, Third Floor
Telephone: (404) 880-8015

The University Mail Center provides services for incoming and outgoing mail for students, faculty and staff members and makes every effort to ensure a timely and safe delivery of mail. All outgoing mail services via the United States Postal Services (USPS). The Center also serves as the University's liaison with Federal Express, DHL, UPS, Inter-School Mail, and other domestic and international couriers. All mailroom services are conducted at the Mail Center Customer Service Window from Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Incoming and Outgoing Mail

First-Class and standard mail is picked up between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. Monday to Friday from the campus post office. Mail is sorted and distributed to students, faculty and staff mailboxes by 2:00 p.m. daily. The time allotted for mail distribution may be extended due to a large volume of mail received on days preceding a holiday. Notices are placed in the P.O. Boxes informing recipient of any items that are too large to fit into their campus box. This mail does not require a signature. All outgoing mail should be in the mail center by 4:00 p.m. for same day service

Note: To receive incoming mail students must provide appropriate mailing address and must include: Student Name No nick names), Clark Atlanta University, 223 James P. Brawley Drive, S.W., Atlanta GA 30314.

Accountable Mail

US Postal Service Express, delivery confirmation, certified, registered letters and packages; Federal Express; United Parcel Service; Airborne Express; and DHL letters and packages that have tracking numbers and require recipient signature are considered accountable. An email notification is sent for package(s) that require recipient signature regardless of size. The following links are provided to track your package:

Panther PAW Card Office

Bishop Cornelius L. Henderson Student Center, Third Floor
Telephone: (404) 880-8PAW (8729)

The mission of the Panther PAW Card Office is to provide all University constituents a modernized convenient form of official identification to function as personalized access to a variety of university services. The Panther PAW Card is an official multifunctional identification card of the University that allows the cardholders to access various functions personalized for on-campus and off-campus use.

CAU Print Shop

Bishop Cornelius L. Henderson Student Center, Third Floor
Telephone: (404) 880-8015

The Print Shop provides convenient, cost-effective service solutions that are customized to the needs of our campus community. As part of our total service solution, we have document production sites that are staffed with skilled operators, high-speed copiers and advanced technologies to meet your document duplication and imaging needs at a reasonable cost in a timely manner.

Dining Services

Bishop Cornelius L. Henderson Student Center, Lower Level
Telephone: (404) 880-6440

Clark Atlanta University’s dining facilities for on-campus meals is conveniently located within walking distance of on-campus housing, classrooms, and administrative buildings and provides an exciting and innovative social experience designed for the entire campus community.

The mission of the Dining Services is to provide the finest quality meals and services at reasonable costs to students, faculty, staff and guests. Students are expected to come to all meals appropriately dressed, to talk in moderate tones, and to exhibit courteous behaviors at all times. Along with outstanding food services, students also have the opportunity to gather with friends, take study breaks, hang out, relax and unwind after a hard day of classes and activities in an inviting, comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere. In addition to the Dining Hall, food is available in the Snack Bars. Students may take meals from the Dining Hall only in cases of illness and when permission has been given by the Student Health Center staff. When presenting a permission slip for a carry-out meal, the student must present a meal card. Visit CAU website for more information and quick reference to all food services offered.

For special dietary needs call (404) 880-6440.

William H. Crogman Student Dining Hall

Crogman Dining Hall, an All-You-Care-To-Eat dining facility, located on the lower level of the Bishop Cornelius L. Henderson Student Center, is designed with signature brands and menu selections and flexibility in varied hours and choice of meals. The wide variety of food menu include fresh fruit and salads, homemade soups, delicious hot home-style entrées, freshly baked pizza and pasta, deli choices served on freshly baked breads, new creations by our chef just for you, and freshly baked desserts.

Meal Schedules
  • Breakfast:
    • Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
  • Brunch:
    • Saturday - Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Lunch:
    • Monday - Friday: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Lite Lunch:
    • Monday - Friday: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Dinner:
    • Monday - Friday: 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
    • Saturday - Sunday: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • Late Night:
    • Monday - Friday: 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Wicked Wings and More
Located on the lower level of the Student Center

Monday - Saturday: 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Panther Smoothie Shop
Located on the Main Level of the Student Center

Monday-Thursday:  8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Friday-8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Jazzman’s Cafe
Located in the Carl & Mary Ware building.  

Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday:  8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

  • Monday - Thursday: 11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
  • Friday - Sunday: 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

CAU Campus Store Located on the 2nd floor in the Bishop Cornelius L. Henderson Student Center 

Telephone: (404) 880-8582

Come on in and get TEXTBOOKS, Paraphernalia Apparel, gifts, accessories and supplies.

Hours of Operation 
Monday-Thursday: 9am - 6pm
Friday:  9am - 5pm
Saturday: 11am - 3pm
Sunday: Closed

Vending Machines

There are a number of snack vending machines at various locations on campus. The vending services, provided by Five-Star Refreshments and Coca Cola, include bottle beverage machines, featuring a large selection of popular brands; snack machines containing traditional favorites such as candies, chewing gums, mints, pastries, chips and other snacks as well as selected popular low fat items.

Note: Prices are subject to change without notice. For snack vending refunds contact the Office of Campus Services and for beverage refunds please contact the number on the Coke machine.  If there are any issues with the snack machine, please call Campus Services at 404-880-8317.

CAU Parking Services
CAU Parking Deck, Parking Office 
Telephone: (404) 880-6295  

The mission of the University’s Parking Services is to accommodate parking needs of the faculty, staff and students. To assist with a more organized parking experience, official parking signs, maps and markings have been designated to authorize parking areas and spaces on campus. The location of parking areas and spaces located on campus vary in terms of centrality and convenience. 

Registered Permit Parking
Clark Atlanta University has a permit parking system that requires all faculty, staff and students to register their vehicles with the Parking Office in order to park on the University’s property. A registration permit is required to park at any time, for all areas, other than the visitor lot. Faculty, staff, students and auxiliary personnel may park an unregistered vehicle in parking deck or in a visitor lot, provided they pay the required fee. 

CAU students who are currently enrolled or accepted are eligible for parking. Fee payments for parking permits must be made directly to the Parking Office. Freshman students may register a car to park on campus. Evidence of registration shall consist of a current CAU Parking Permit properly displayed on the vehicle while parked. Faculty and staff permits are displayed on the rearview mirror. Student permits are displayed on the front windshield right bottom corner, (passenger side). Annual permits end on the date specified on the contract or at the end of each semester. Transferrable permits must be hung from the inside rearview mirror with the permit number visible from the outside.

Parking areas are identified by pavement markings and/or signs placed at the lot entrance (s), at locations throughout the lot, or along streets that are designated as parking areas. Any areas on the University property, not specifically identified as a parking space, will be considered no parking/boot zones. 

THE PERSON REGISTERING THE VEHICLE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PARKING VIOLATIONS WITH THAT VEHICLE. If the vehicle is loaned to another person, proper observance of these regulations shall remain the responsibility of the registrant except in the case of a moving violation for which the operator is responsible.

Hours of Operation
The Parking Office and cashier’s booth are located in the parking deck on the first floor near the Mildred Street entrance. The Parking Office is open Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

Note: Flagrant abuse of the Official Business Parking Permit will result in the cancellation of the permit. Anyone found possessing a permit he/she is not entitled to will be in violation of these regulations and the permit may be confiscated. The permit is not intended to authorize routine, long-term parking in spaces that have been designated for short-term limited use. Permits returned to the parking office before the semester’s end will receive a pro-rated refund of the paid registration fee. The permit return will determine the amount of refund and a check requisition form will be written. 

ATM Machines

Bank of America-Lower Level-Student Center
PNC-Main Level-Main Level-Student Center

Department of Public Safety
Tanner-Turner Building
Telephone: (404) 880-8808

The mission of the Department of Public Safety is to safeguard and protect the life, liberty and security of the students, faculty, staff, constituents and the property of the University. The vision of Public Safety is to become a modern collaborative and interactive police agency dedicated to the concepts of student-centered campus community involvement and community policing by offering the highest quality of innovative crime prevention strategies and community services for our students, faculty, staff and constituents, resulting in increased confidence and quality of service.

The Department of Public Safety is a modern, progressive university agency offering the premier quality of innovative crime prevention strategies and community services for our constituents and strives to enhance and accomplish its mission by diligently embracing the student-centered approach to policing, to reduce criminal incidents and fear of crime.  The CAU's Police Department (CAUPD) is dedicated to the concepts of campus community involvement and service in order to perform its law enforcement functions and to conduct its day-to-day operations of policing the University with respect, professionalism and high ethical standards to maintain excellence and public confidence at all times.

The Public Safety Department consists of Police Officers and Public Safety Officers who patrol on foot and in vehicles providing for the safety of campus members and protection of University property, along with Communications Officers who monitor and provide surveillance of our entire campus through our video integrated center. The department works with our diverse community to improve the quality of life on campus deploys law enforcement strategies and techniques in a manner, which incorporates feedback from our stakeholders who have a vested interest in ensuring the safety and security of all our constituents. Students are expected to be knowledgeable of and to observe all rules designed to protect persons and property while on campus.

Although the University has implemented measures for the safety and protection of students and other members of the University community, the effectiveness of the measures depends on each person's assuming the responsibility for self-protection. Security measures that must be observed at all times include:

  • Carrying student I.D. card and presenting it upon request
  • Following the procedures for evacuation of residence buildings using panic doors
  • Observing the regulations governing conditions for residence hall visitation
  • Declining requests to transfer keys to unauthorized users
  • Keeping residence hall room doors locked
  • Attending crime prevention and safety awareness programs offered on campus.

CAUPD maintains an effective and responsive relationship with the community by fostering a campus-wide awareness for crime prevention and increased public safety. Officers conduct 24/7 directed watch patrols, respond to crimes in progress,  investigative and detective services, mitigate disputes and disruptions, conduct residential facility town hall meetings and safety training classes, maintain and direct emergency management functions, provide security for athletic events, and on-campus social activities, and provide valuable safety tips to the community.

Collaborative Interactive Policing Program is a student-centered approach to community/campus oriented policing created by the department to provide opportunities for students to offer positive contributions to the University and the Atlanta University Center community collectively. Through the Student Ambassadors Program, the department provides a positive experience for students by employing them to fulfill the specific duties and expectations outlined in the Public Safety Handbook. The process encompasses active engagement and implementation of suggestions from the students, faculty, and staff on positive solutions to existing criminal activity and criminal behavior on campus to effectively change our environment. The duties of Student Ambassadors include greeting, administrative support, and communication support while conducting themselves in a manner deserving of public trust.

Crime Reporting Equals Crime Prevention 

One of the most important actions that any student, faculty or staff member can take to prevent crime is to report all criminal incidents and or criminal activity to the Department of Public Safety. The Department is committed to transparency and notification by apprising the students, faculty and staff of the University’s on-campus crime statistics through the distribution of the annual “Your Right To Know” Campus Safety Statistical Data Report supporting the Clery Act Internal Policy. In addition, a crime log of reported incidents is available on the CAUPD webpage.

All crimes should be reported to Department of Public Safety immediately to ensure timely reporting and investigation of crimes. In order to alert the CAU community and to prevent similar crimes, the department will report incidents of the following crimes in a timely manner: aggravated assault, burglary, murder, sexual offenses (forcible and non-forcible), robbery, and motor vehicle thefts. A summary of the crimes reported will be published annually and distributed, free of charge, to students and employees and shall also be available on the department webpage. The department will respond to all criminal reports according to priority based on the immediate threat or danger to life, property, and safety. All reports will be responded to with either an immediate on-site response or an investigative procedure, as deemed appropriate.

On Campus Emergency: (404) 880-8911
Non-emergency: (404) 880-8623

Medical Emergencies: Shall be handled by the onsite infirmary or by using an ambulance service.

  • Fire Emergencies: Shall be responded to by the Atlanta Fire Department and Clark Atlanta University Police Department.
  • Police Emergencies: Shall be responded to by Clark Atlanta University Police Department and augmented by the Atlanta Police Department if the need arises. 

Lost and Found: The Department of Public Safety will hold lost items up to twenty-four (24) hours, after which, items will be delivered to the Office of Student Services and Campus Life for safe keeping. Student must be able to show proof of ownership in order to claim the item(s).

Campus Access                                                                                                                                                                             Access to Facilities and Security

Clark Atlanta University is a private institution with an open campus. All buildings are equipped with emergency lighting, exterior security lighting, ground floor security screens, fire and smoke alarms, and panic-bar type doors. All residence halls have self-closing mechanism doors that should prevent unauthorized persons from entering the buildings. The security measures are evaluated and maintained annually.

Assistant Directors for Residence Life and Student Development are responsible for maintaining the standard of residential life within their respective halls. Residence hall rules are regulated by the Assistant Directors who also reside in the dorms which provide them an opportunity to plan, coordinate, and implement safety measures working in conjunction with the Clark Atlanta Police Department in the following manner:

  1. Reporting strangers in their area
  2. Controlling and monitoring access to the buildings
  3. Advising safe off-campus practices
  4. Coordinating walk through inspections

Each on-campus student residing in residential halls are required to share in the responsibility for the security of their building. These requirements include:

  1. Following access control policies related to students and his/her visitor(s)
  2. Reporting lost access cards immediately to the Assistant Director and Public Safety representatives
  3. Preventing the duplication of residential room keys
  4. Reporting defective and inoperative access control devices and security equipment
  5. Avoiding “propping” the doors to residential, recreational and academic facilities open
  6. Displaying student identification cards and adhere to visitation rules

Visitation is a privilege, not a right, and therefore may be suspended by the Office of Student Services and Campus Life. Residential hall visitation hours vary throughout the week. The normal periods for visitation in the residence halls are 6:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Monday through Sunday. Residence hall visitation hours are determined by the Office of Student Affairs. These hours are subject to change.

Building Access

All administrative and academic buildings are open during normal business hours (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) to those who require access. All non-resident buildings are locked down and/or opened by Public Safety personnel based upon the schedule of activity, with the exception of Harkness Hall, Thomas W. Cole, Jr., Research Center for Science and Technology and Park Street Music and Art Complex which are controlled by an access card system.

Most residence hall access is controlled by an access control card system (Panther Paw Card). The Panther Paw Office is responsible for data entry and card issuance procedures for this system. Residence hall rooms are accessed using a key system, which is controlled by the Office of Student Affairs and Residential Life. Residents are advised to keep their rooms locked at all times. For reasons of security, it is necessary for residents to carry their Panther Paw card and room key at all times. In the event residents are locked out of their rooms, it may be necessary for them to wait for a roommate, contact their Resident Director or the Facilities Department to gain entry into their room. Missing, lost or stolen, access cards and/or keys should be reported to the Department of Public Safety immediately. Door locks may be changed and new keys issued for a fee determined by Facilities Department. Keys are not to be loaned or duplicated.

Access Control and Parking

Vehicles entering and exiting the main campus are monitored by proactive patrolling. All vehicles parked on University property must have either an authorized parking permit or a vendor pass. Vehicles not displaying authorized permit or pass are encouraged to park in the University parking deck. Campus parking regulations are strictly enforced which includes warnings, traffic citations, booting and towing.