Business Administration (CBUS)
CBUS 099 School of BA Messenger 0 Credits
CBUS 120 Intro to Business Administrati 3 Credits
The purpose of this is to present a fundamental appreciation of the development of the American business as well as rocognition of the challenges provided to the business organization and its leaders.
CBUS 206 Management Info Systems 3 Credits
his introductory course contains ideas, concepts, and principles on the basic information systems to which every business student should be exposed in the core business requirement. It integrates both computer concepts and information systems concepts, and provides a strong managerial emphasis. Prerequisite: BUS 120 and CMAT 109 -C or better
CBUS 207 Principles of Accounting I 3 Credits
A one-semester course introducing generally accepted accounting principles.
The course covers the fundamentals of recording and accumulating accounting
data and the preparation, meaning, and uses of financial statements. Prerequisite:
CMAT 109 with a minimum grade of “C.”
CBUS 207H Prin. of Accounting II-Honors 3 Credits
CBUS 208 Principles of Accounting II 3 Credits
A one-semester course introducing generally accepted accounting principles.
The course covers the fundamentals of recording and accumulating accounting
data and the preparation, meaning, and uses of financial statements.
Introductory topics in managerial accounting are also discussed. Prerequisite:
CBUS 207, Principles of Accounting I with a minimum grade of “C.”
CBUS 208H Prin. of Accounting I - Honors 3 Credits
A one-semester course introducing generally accepted accounting principles.The course covers the fundamentals of recording and accumulating accounting data and the preparation, meaning, and uses of financial statements.Introductory topics in managerial accounting are also discussed. Prerequisite: CBUS 207, Principles of Accounting I with a minimum grade of “C.”
CBUS 209 Acctg for Non-Busness Students 3 Credits
An introduction to financial and managerial accounting, with emphasis on the content, interpretation, and uses of accounting reports. Discussion of the determination and reporting of net income and financial position, and the theories underlying business financial statements; consideration of managerial accounting topics designed to extend the student's knowledge to the planning and controlling of the operations of the firm.
CBUS 250 Personal Finance 3 Credits
The course focuses on aspects of personal financial planning including career planning, tax preparation, risk management and insurance, cash and credit management and budgeting, investing, retirement and real estate planning. This course is a general elective and not a finance concentration elective.
CBUS 295 Leadership & Prof Dev I 1 Credit
The Leadership and Professional Development courses are designed to help students identify, appreciate and capitalize on natural strengths that will enable them to communicate, learn, and think more effectively. They will also be able to make critical decisions more efficiently and set realistic goals for success in college and the world of work. Students learn leadership attributes, roles and responsibilities; resume preparation, teamwork and group presentations, emotional intelligence, importance of credit and being credit worthy, etiquette skills, conflict resolution as well as other personal and professional development skills needed to function successfully in today's business environments. Prerequisites: Minimum grades of "C" in CGED 100 and CGED 101.
CBUS 303 Intermediate Accounting I 3 Credits
This course is the first of three-course financial accounting series providing a theoretical foundation, concepts, and principles underlying financial statements; current assets; current liabilities; property, plant, and equipment; short-term investments; present value analysis. Prerequisite: CBUS 208 with a minimum grade of "C".
CBUS 304 Intermediate Accounting II 3 Credits
This course is the second of a three-course financial accounting series, providing an in-depth study of the accounting cycle, conceptual framework of financial accounting, valuation of balance sheet accounts, recognition of revenues, matching of expenses, and the reporting of the financial condition, operating results, and cash flows of an entity. Prerequisite: CBUS 303 with a minimum grade of "C"
CBUS 305 Cost Accounting 3 Credits
CBUS 308 Accounting Information Systems 3 Credits
Accounting information systems of organizations. Topics include selected hardware and software concepts, fundamentals of accounting information systems analysis, design, implementation, and control. Prerequisite: CBUS 208 with a minimum grade of "C"
CBUS 313 Statistics I 3 Credits
This course covers basic statistical concepts, techniques, and their applications to business decision making. Covers the descriptive aspects for statistics, involving data collection, organization, presentation, and introduces students to probability and inferential statistics. Prerequisite: CMAT 110 and CBUS 120
CBUS 314 Statistics II 3 Credits
The topics covered in this course include analysis of variance, simple regression, multiple regression, correlation, Chi-square distribution and analysis of frequencies, and time-series analysis and forecasting. The statistical software package is used. Prerequisite: CBUS 313.
CBUS 317 Enterprise Integration Systems 3 Credits
In this course students learn about the supply chain management programming environment, including data and communications protocols/standards, server and client operating systems, and a working knowledge of at least one on-line Enterprise Resource Planning Application. Students are prepared to understand their business functions. However, they are competing with students who have this as well. In this course students obtain hands-on experience with the actual systems that are used to actually provide this functional integration. Enterprise integration is not only about software but also about the power of automation on business productivity. Students will be provided with the concepts of enterprise resource planning and extensive exposure to the SAP System. SAP has 39% penetration of the ERP market, and nearly 100% in the Fortune 100. These companies are spending tens of millions of dollars annually, updating and integrating these systems into every business function. Our students are to be exposed to this environment. Prerequisite: CBUS 206.
CBUS 325 Business Communication 3 Credits
CBUS 330 Legal,Social,Ethical Aspect I 3 Credits
Introduction to business law. This course surveys the nature, types, and functions of laws regulating businesses. Students are introduced to the role of the court systems in business and the concepts of contract and agency. Students are also introduced to the social and ethical aspects of business. Prerequisite: CBUS 120
CBUS 331 Legal,Social,Ethical Aspect II 3 Credits
CBUS 335 Principles of Marketing 3 Credits
his course provides an overview of the core concepts of marketing. Emphasis is placed on developing an ethical framework which uses the elements of the marketing mix to provide customer satisfaction in the global marketing of goods and services. Topics include assessment of the marketing environment, designing and conducting marketing research, and determining what elements are most important to customers as they make purchasing decisions. Prerequisites: CBUS 120
CBUS 336 Consumer Behavior 3 Credits
This course provides an overview of the processes that consumers utilize to evaluate, purchase, use and dispose of goods and services expected to satisfy their needs. Insights into consumer identity issues are provided as a background for presenting the consumer behavior concepts, processes, and models that help explain differences in consumer's pre and post-purchase behavior and choice. Implications for marketing strategies (e.g., market research procedures, market segmentation, product design, pricing, and promotion) are discussed. Prerequisite: CBUS 335.
CBUS 337 Intro. to Int'l Business Mgnt 3 Credits
Study of domestic and foreign environmental factors affecting the international operations of United States business firms. The course stresses personal experiences and observations regarding leadership and helps students assess leadership qualities and style. Prerequisite CBUS 340.
CBUS 340 Principles of Management 3 Credits
Conceptual framework for the study, evaluation, and practice of management. Emphasis is on planning, organizing, staffing, influencing, and controlling as these factors affect managerial decision making. Addresses problems of both the sole proprietorship and the corporation. Prerequisite: CBUS 120
CBUS 341 Business Finance 3 Credits
The basic concepts and analytical tools of finance in both corporate finance and investments. Topics include risk and return, financial institutions, efficient markets, valuation theory, capital budgeting, portfolio theory, cost of capital, and international finance. Prerequisites: Minimum grades of "C" in CBUS 120, CBUS 207 and CBUS 208, CMAT 110 and CECO 252.
CBUS 341H Business Finance (Honors) 3 Credits
The basic concepts and analytical tools of finance in both corporate finance and investments. Topics include risk and return, financial institutions, efficient markets, valuation theory, capital budgeting, portfolio theory, cost of capital, and international finance. Prerequisites: Minimum grades of "C" in CBUS 120, CBUS 207 and CBUS 208, CMAT 110 and CECO 252.
Designated for Honors Students.
CBUS 360 Principles of Insurance I 3 Credits
Study of the basic uses and functions of insurance as applied to the overall treatment of risk. Presented from the viewpoint of the consumer. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of "C" in CBUS 341.
CBUS 362 Supply Chain Management 3 Credits
Upon the completion of this course, the students will be able to describe key supply chain management concepts, understand the strategic importance of supply chain management in improving a firm's competitive position, and learn about the opportunities and problems faced in strategic sourcing environment. Prerequisite: CBUS 206.
CBUS 364 Procurement and Supply Mgmt 3 Credits
This course addresses the strategic and operational role of the purchasing and supply management functions in the modern organization. The aim of this course is to get students acquainted with the fundamental concepts, models, and instruments in the area of purchasing and supply management. Through web-based projects, case assignments, and industry presentations, the course will provide insights into the current developments, newest ideas, and biggest problem areas in this field. Prerequisite: CBUS 362.
CBUS 366 Project Management 3 Credits
This course provides an overview of the structured process for managing projects. The emphasis is on the defining, planning, scheduling, organizing, implementing, and controlling of single and multiple projects, in order to successfully complete them within quality specifications, on schedule, and within budget. Other topics include project organization, roles of the project manager and team members, and project leadership. Additionally, the importance of communication and people management is integrated throughout the discussion. Prerequisites: CBUS 206 and CBUS 362.
CBUS 368 Real Estate Finance 3 Credits
The instruments, techniques, and institutions of real estate finance; sources of funds; mortgage risk analysis: emphasis on typical policies and procedures used in financing of residential, industrial, and commercial properties. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of "C" in CBUS 341.
CBUS 372 Personnel Management 3 Credits
Exploration of organizational behavior and human performance in the organization. Students examine structure, the selection process, performance appraisal, control systems, and reward practices as means of affecting human behavior in organizations. Prerequisite: CBUS 340.
CBUS 373 Sports & Entertainment Marketi 3 Credits
This course is designed for students interested in application of marketing principles to sports, entertainment, and event marketing. Emphasis is placed on the following principles as they apply to the industry: branding, licensing, and naming rights; business foundations; concessions and on site merchandising; economic foundations; promotion; safety and security; and human relations.
CBUS 374 Sports & Entertainment Law 3 Credits
An examination of the sports and entertainment industry requires delving into the law of contracts, labor, anti-trust, intellectual property, torts, Internet and the U.S. Constitution. Our analysis begins by studying college sports, amateur sports, Olympic sports, and Title IX's impact on athletic opportunities for women. A significant amount of the classroom material is devoted to surveying the major professional team sports including looking at collective bargaining agreements, labor discord, privacy, salaries, drug testing and freedom of movement from team to team. The economic aspects of both professional sports and movie industry are explored. This includes looking at team franchise movement in professional sports and financing, producing, and distributing movies and TV. The role of the Screen Actors Guild is reviewed at length. Agency law is also examined in the context of the relationships involving agents (and/or managers) that represent celebrities and athletes.
CBUS 375 Managing & Operating Sprts Ent 3 Credits
This course offers an overview of the sport business and entertainment industry and examines the principles and applications of sport business and entertainment management in professional, collegiate, and Olympic sports. Issues such as talent identification, hiring and firing, and cultural, social and community issues are explored.
CBUS 380 Entrepreneurial Thinking 3 Credits
This course seeks to provide the student with an understanding of how to identify new ventures, evaluate the viability of the new venture, develop a Business Plan, determine which skills are necessary for success and building the appropriate team, and understand the developer¿s personal entrepreneurial capacity.
CBUS 381 Financing Entrepreneurial Vent 3 Credits
Students will learn that the most difficult part of launching a new enterprise is financing. Various financing options will be discussed and explored. Special emphasis will be placed on nontraditional and emerging financing techniques emerging on the internet.
CBUS 382 Marketing Entrpreneurial Ventu 3 Credits
Students will explore the various options available to market their venture. Emphasis will be placed on the use of low-cost and not cost strategies and tactics. Use of technology and social media will be reinforced and evaluated.
CBUS 395 Leadership & Prof Dev II 1 Credit
The Leadership and Professional Development courses are designed to help students identify, appreciate and capitalize on natural strengths that will enable them to communicate, learn, and think more effectively. They will also be able to make critical decisions more efficiently and set realistic goals for success in college and the world of work. Students learn leadership attributes, roles and responsibilities; resume preparation, teamwork and group presentations, emotional intelligence, importance of credit and being credit worthy, etiquette skills, conflict resolution as well as other personal and professional development skills needed to function successfully in today's business environments. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of "C" in CBUS 295, Leadership and Professional Development I, CGED 100 and CGED 101.
CBUS 405 Auditing 3 Credits
Examination of basic auditing concepts and practices, and the auditor's professional responsibilities. Emphasis) A case-based graduate seminar that provides the students with the opportunity to identify and research issues in accounting. Developing the students' professional written communication skills is an important component of this course. Emphasis is on auditing standards and the auditing procedures commonly used in public accounting. The course emphasizes practice standards and procedures of auditing: ethics, legal liability, sampling methods, control systems, control design, and control evaluation. Prerequisite: CBUS 303 and CBUS 304 with a minimum grade of "C".
CBUS 411 Retailing 3 Credits
A study of the basic concepts and principles of retailing and its role in distribution in terms of administrative organization, site selection, buying, pricing, merchandising, promotions and current trends in retailing. Prerequisite: CBUS 335.
CBUS 420 International Financial Mgmt 3 Credits
International business decision making emphasizing the effects of internationalized financial and non-financial markets. Exchange rate analysis, hedged costs of funds, economic exposure and management, capital budgeting, financial and corporate strategy, and the evaluation of international risks and returns. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of "C" in CBUS 341.
CBUS 421 Intro. to Professional Sales 3 Credits
A study of the theory and practice of professional sales with special emphasis on application of concepts in actual sales presentations. Prerequisite: CBUS 335.
CBUS 422 International Marketing 3 Credits
Analysis of the multinational process of planning and promotions of goods, ideas, and services worldwide. Special consideration of Third World economics is stressed. Prerequisite: CBUS 335.
CBUS 426 Individual Income Tax 3 Credits
CBUS 427 Business Income Tax 3 Credits
Review of federal taxation associated with the organization, operation, and dissolution of corporate partnership and tax-exempt organizations. Introduction to federal estate and gift taxes and to income taxation of trusts and estates. Prerequisite: CBUS 426 with a minimum grade of "C".
CBUS 431 Principles of Advertising 3 Credits
Course is designed to introduce students to the field and practice of advertising with an emphasis on the pervasiveness of advertising in contemporary society. The student will develop knowledge of the business, creation and media placement of advertising, and will become acquainted with advertising management, strategies and processes. Prerequisite: CBUS 335.
CBUS 434 Enterprise Integration Applica 3 Credits
Students learn about the mainframe, midrange supply chain management programming environment, including back office applications, data and communications protocols/standards, server and client operating systems, legacy applications, and a working knowledge of at least one large system programming language (e.g. COBOL).
CBUS 436 Data Mining/Visualization 3 Credits
This course is designed to teach students how to apply and utilize standard statistical analysis techniques to identify trends and make recommendations based on systems generated data. Topics include: performance management, techniques for data mining, market research, regression analysis, and multivariate analysis. The students will gain a working knowledge of several statistical analysis packages. Prerequisite: CBUS 362.
CBUS 445 Marketing Research 3 Credits
CBUS 450 Marketing Management 3 Credits
CBUS 451 Mgmt of Financial Institutions 3 Credits
The basic concepts and analytical tools of finance in both corporate finance and investments. Topics include risk and return, financial institutions, efficient markets, valuation theory, capital budgeting, portfolio theory, cost of capital, and international finance. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of "C" in CBUS 341.
CBUS 452 Security Analysis & Portfolio 3 Credits
The securities markets, investor objectives, introduction to portfolio theory and the analytical tools of portfolio management, and an examination of investment alternatives. Portfolio management and security analysis. Emphasis is on risk, return, valuation of securities, portfolio theory, and investment performance analysis. Students will research stocks and manage a stock portfolio. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of "C" in CBUS 341.
CBUS 453 Corporate Finance 3 Credits
Development of a framework that is useful for understanding a broad range of important corporate financial decisions. Substantial emphasis will be placed on discussion of the determinants of corporate financing and payout policies, alternative methods of security issuance, and mergers and acquisitions. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of "C" in CBUS 341.
CBUS 454 Financial Analysis Decision Mk 3 Credits
Exposes students to various forms of financial decision making in a variety of contexts. Students will practice decision-making skills using financial contexts analysis in assessing firm performance, evaluating financial statement analysis, financial forecasting, and investment and financing decision analysis. Textbook case studies and computer software with current technology for financial modeling and data analysis are utilized. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of "C" in CBUS 341.
CBUS 458 Retirement Plan And Employ Ben 3 Credits
The intent of the retirement planning course is to provide individuals with knowledge of both public and private retirement plans. The public plans include Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The private plans include pension, profit sharing, defined benefit, defined contribution, nonqualified, and individual plans and their regulatory provisions. The specifics of the various qualified and tax advantaged plans are analyzed as well as non-qualified deferred compensation plans. Other issues that individuals face during employment and retirement are also discussed, such as life-style choices, and health issues. Retirement plans are often offered as part of an overall benefits package that employees are offered through their employer. Specifics about several employee benefits will be discussed in the course as well.
CBUS 459 Estate Planning 3 Credits
Estate Planning deals with the efficient accumulation, conservation and distribution of a
client’s acquired property. This module covers the estate planning techniques which
may be used during a client’s life, as well as at death, in order to meet stated objectives.
The identification and use of appropriate forms of wills and trusts is set forth.
Techniques for reducing, freezing, or eliminating the Unified Transfer Tax are explained
and applied to client situations. Finally, post-mortem planning techniques are identified
and explained.
CBUS 460 Production/Operations Mgmt 3 Credits
his course provides students with an understanding of the primary activities of the operations function in organizations. Intended to develop skills in the art of formulating quantitative models of real world decision making, operations strategy, and business applications including cost-benefit analysis, forecasting, problem design and processing, planning, allocating scarce resources, facility locations, layouts, scheduling, and inventory management. Students will experience the extensive use of the computer to assist in solving the business problems. Prerequisite: CBUS 206 or 308. CBUS 308 or CBUS 206, CBUS 313, CMAT 110, and CECO 252.
CBUS 461 Strategies In Financial Plan 3 Credits
Students’ knowledge, critical thinking, and decision-making skills in financial planning will be reinforced through the analysis of financial planning case studies. Students will develop comprehensive financial recommendations for clients based on clients’ financial situations, expectations, and goals.
CBUS 462 Adv Topics in Supply Chain Mgm 3 Credits
This course provides in-depth treatment of one or more advanced areas of supply chain management. The topics will vary with each offering. Prerequisite: CBUS 362.
CBUS 465 Advanced Accounting 3 Credits
CBUS 468 Organizational Behavior 3 Credits
Exploration of organizational behavior and human performance in organization. Students examine structure, the selection process, performance appraisal, control systems, and reward practices as means of affecting human behavior in organizations. Prerequisite: CBUS 340. or CPSY 318, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, may be taken as a substitute course. Survey of methods and findings in the scientific study of humans at work as applied to business, industry and government. Topics include employee selection, training and motivation. Prerequisites: CPSY 211 and CBUS 313. Note: CPSY 318, Industrial and Organizational Psychology may be substituted for CBUS 468, Organizational Behavior.
CBUS 471 Global Leadership 3 Credits
Students will investigate the leadership tasks which face managers in companies with worldwide operations. Initially, students will identify the forces of global change and the strategic challenges which they present to managers. Subsequently, students will examine the leadership characteristics required to manage global operations in a changing environment. Prerequisite: CBUS 340.
CBUS 472 Quality,Diversity,Productivity 3 Credits
This course provides an alternative to the traditional learning-teaching paradigm. It is designed in an integrated fashion. It fosters an "emerging paradigm" of systems thinking and learning regarding the disciplines of quality, diversity management and productivity improvement. Traditional boundaries will be crossed. To place the course material in one category would be like managing each function of a company in isolation and independently. Prerequisite: CBUS 340
CBUS 474 Logistics Management 3 Credits
Logistics is one of the most vital areas of business today. Analysis of logistics activities includes integration of transportation, inventory management, warehousing, facility location, customer service, packaging, and materials handling. Students will be exposed to online logistics support systems to better understand the real-time nature of transportation decisions on other business functions. Prerequisite: CBUS 362.
CBUS 476 Supply Chain Management Strate 3 Credits
This course provides integrated supply chain management strategies, incorporating procurement and supply management, production, logistics, transportation, and enterprise systems. Strategies are developed around internal issues including employee relations, ergonomics and workplace changes; ethical issues; and external issues including vendor and customer relations, customer service, and regulatory considerations. Prerequisite: CBUS 362.
CBUS 478 Modeling the Supply Chain 3 Credits
This course provides students with discussions and examples that integrate qualitative and quantitative thinking about supply chain planning problems and models. A major approach relies heavily on optimization models, which provides frames or templates for such integration. The course attempts to demonstrate that optimization models and methods provide comprehensive systems approaches to integrated business planning, which is the essence of supply chain management. Firms that succeed in such efforts will realize a significant competitive advantage. Prerequisite: CBUS 362.
CBUS 480 Entrepreneurship & Enterprise 3 Credits
Analysis of procedures necessary for developing or acquiring a major management and equity position in a new or existing business venture. The course focuses on the problems of purchasing or initiating an enterprise and the analysis needed to address those problems rather than on day-to-day management. Prerequisite: CBUS 335.
CBUS 481 Entrepreneurial Practicum 3 Credits
This course seeks to immerse the student in real life experiences of an entrepreneur. Each student will be expected to spend 6-8 weeks interning in a small business in order to better hone their understanding of being an entrepreneur and the challenges that each faces. Afterwards, the student will utilize the knowledge learned to complete his/her Business Plan.
CBUS 483 Labor Relations 3 Credits
CBUS 485 Business Policy 3 Credits
CBUS 486 Sports & Entertainment Practic 3 Credits
This is a course through which students can culminate their educational and internship experiences by choosing a project that is germane to the student¿s career path. The project may be combined with an internship in the industry.
CBUS 487 Contemp Issues Sprts Ent Mgmt 3 Credits
The emphasis will be on the application and ¿real-life¿/¿pracademic¿ perspectives from people in the field (professionals will be invited to guest lecturer and interact with students in the class).
CBUS 488 Business Internship 3 Credits
Students obtain credit from practical experiences in supervised business internship programs. At least six (6) seminars from LPD program required and four (4) interviews through the Career Planning and Placement office (CPPC). Prerequisite: Approval of the Department Chair is required.
CBUS 494 Special Topic 3 Credits
The course is designed to present selected contemporary topics in business administration. The course may be repeated for credit when topics varies.
CBUS 495 Leadership & Prof Dev III 1 Credit
The Leadership and Professional Development courses are designed to help students identify, appreciate, and capitalize on natural strengths that will enable them to communicate, learn, and think more effectively. They will also be able to make critical decisions more efficiently and set realistic goals for success in college and the world of work. Students learn leadership attributes, roles and responsibilities; resume preparation, teamwork and group presentations, emotional intelligence, importance of credit and being credit worthy, etiquette skills, conflict resolution as well as other personal and professional development skills needed to function successfully in today's business environments. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of "C" in CBUS 295, CBUS 395, Leadership and Professional Development III and CGED 100 and CGED 101.
CBUS 497 Independent Study 3 Credits
Projects designed by the student and a faculty member, who agrees to work with the student, to meet specific and individual needs. May involve direct reading in specific subject area, a research project, teaching economics in high school or a combination of any two. May be repeated for additional credits. Prerequisite: Approval of the Undergraduate coordinator and/or department chairperson.