Academic Catalog

Economics (CECO)

CECO 107  Introduction to Economics  3 Credits  
A one-semester survey course designed to introduce students to the fundamental principles and concepts of economics. Topics covered include demand and supply analysis, the function of the markets in the allocation of resources, measuring economic activities in the private as well as in the public sectors, problems such as unemployment, inflation, income distribution and poverty, and domestic and international financial institutions and the working of global market systems.
CECO 250  Principles of Economics  3 Credits  
A one-semester introductory course in economics for students in departments which require only one semester of economics. The course focuses on both macro- and microeconomic issues that impact the decision making within the U.S. economy.
CECO 251  Principles of Macroeconomics  3 Credits  
A one-semester comprehensive study of the principles which govern production, consumption, and distribution as well as the major institutions in the United States economic system. Prerequisites: Minimum grades of "C" in CMAT 109.
CECO 252  Principles of Microeconomics  3 Credits  
A one-semester comprehensive study of the principles which govern production, consumption, and distribution as well as the major institutions in the United States economic system. Prerequisites: Minimum grades of "C" in CMAT 109
CECO 303L  Econometrics Lab  0 Credits  
CECO 308  Mathematical Economics  3 Credits  
Applications to elementary mathematics to economics are covered. This course includes studies in calculus, matrices, and linear difference equations. Mathematical problems used in this course come from the field of economics. Prerequisites: Minimum grades of "C" in CMAT 111 and CMAT 112.
CECO 309  Introduction to Econometrics  3 Credits  
The use of mathematical and statistical models in the study of economics relationships is covered in this course. Methods introduced include single equation least squares, analysis of variance, and multi-equation models (offered within the Atlanta University Center). Prerequisites: Minimum grades of "C" in CBUS 313 and CBUS 314.
CECO 315  Intermediate Macroeco Analysis  3 Credits  
This course examines general theories of aggregate economic analysis. It traces the development and refinement of selected theories through the classical, Marxism, neoclassical, and Keynesian schools. It enables students to analyze unemployment, inflation, business cycles, and other national economic occurrences. Prerequisites: Minimum grade of "C" in in CECO 251.
CECO 316  Intermediate Microeco Analysis  3 Credits  
The theory of the firm, the household, and the market with applications to individual decision-making units are covered in this course. Prerequisites: Minimum grade of "C" in CECO 252.
CECO 324  Economic Development  3 Credits  
A study of the characteristics and problems of developed and developing economies. Covers the theory of economic development, stages of growth and development, and data analysis to evaluate development performance. Prerequisites: Minimum grades of "C" in CECO 251 and CECO 252.
CECO 335  International Trade  3 Credits  
Application of microeconomic policy to commercial relations between nations. Among the topics covered are the theory of comparative advantage and alternative commercial policies. Prerequisites: Minimum grades of "C" in CECO 251 and CECO 252.
CECO 362  Money and Banking  3 Credits  
Examines the alternative theories of money. Explores the relationship of money to prices, the role of financial intermediaries, international monetary problems, and the history of monetary policy in the United States. Prerequisites: Minimum grades of "C" in CECO 251 and CECO 252.
CECO 369  Urban Economics  3 Credits  
Examination of three principal themes in the economics of urban areas: (1) the economics of the location decisions and the influence of these decisions on urban growth and the real estate market; (2) evaluation of transportation and other services; and (3) economic development of ghetto neighborhoods. Prerequisites: Minimum grades of "C" in CECO 251 and CECO 252.
CECO 500  Advanced Macroeconomic Theory  3 Credits  
An advanced treatment of theories of aggregate economic analysis; addresses critical questions such as determination of national income, employment, distribution of income, inflation, and cyclical behavior. Prerequisite: CECO 315, or consent.
CECO 501  Advanced Microeconomic Theory  3 Credits  
Analyzes the theory of consumer behavior and production and the pricing mechanism in competitive and noncompetitive markets. Prerequisite: CECO 316, or consent.
CECO 509  Monetary Theory & Policy  3 Credits  
Studies monetary and fiscal policies as mechanisms of aggregate demand management; primary considerations involve the level of prices, interest rate, and aggregate money supply. Prerequisites: CECO 500, consent.
CECO 510  Urban Economics  3 Credits  
Explores in detail the structure and growth of urban economy and examines the city as part of the national economy; analyzes theories of decision-making which explain the location of businesses and households within and between urban areas. Prerequisites: CECO 316, 369, or consent.
CECO 512  Economic Development  3 Credits  
Studies theories of economic development and investigates relevant economic models and analytical tools for analyzing and gaining understanding of development issues; also discusses policies and contemporary problems of developing countries. Prerequisite: CECO 324, or consent.
CECO 550  Math Analysis for Economists I  3 Credits  
Develops skills that translate economic and business problems and relationships into mathematical terms. Prerequisite: CECO 308, or consent.
CECO 570  Research Methodology  3 Credits  
Explores theories and methods of scientific research in economics and related social sciences. Steps for problem identification, formulation of testable and meaningful hypotheses and empirical techniques of analysis are studied. Prerequisite: consent.
CECO 601  Econometrics I  3 Credits  
Develops concepts and applications of statistical methods to economic and managerial problems, including multiple regression and forecasting, and simultaneous equations. Prerequisite: CECO 600 or consent.
CECO 602  Econometrics II  3 Credits  
Studies the construction, estimation and testing of economic models. Prerequisite: CECO 601.