English (CENG)
CENG 103 English Composition 3 Credits
The Special Topics: English Composition 103 course is designed to ensure that students develop skills commensurate with the academic level of writing they will encounter throughout their educational and professional careers. In this course, students will improve their sentence building skills and focus on paragraph development. In particular, students will learn to write clear, grammatically correct sentences that lead to writing coherent, well-developed paragraphs that are directed by distinct topic sentences. To enhance and support student learning, the English Department has adopted MindTap, an online platform that provides in-class instructions with self-paced out-of-class reinforcement of that instruction.
CENG 105 College Composition I 3 Credits
A one-semester course emphasizing development of college-level writing skills. In CENG 105, students write multi-paragraph essays, learning the importance of thesis, topic sentence and paragraph development, along with how purpose and audience control the focus of the idea. During CENG 106, students continue to work on multi-paragraph themes, including the persuasive essay and the research paper. A minimum grade of "C" is required.
CENG 105H Honors College Composition 3 Credits
Both courses examine ideas and systems of traditional and contemporary writers. CENG 105 includes basic research techniques. CENG 106 focuses on the development of a critical research project. Includes class discussion, debate, and individual and group projects designed to develop critical faculties. Satisfies General Education core requirement for College Composition.
CENG 105WS College Composition I (WISE) 3 Credits
A one-year course emphasizing development of college-level writing skills. In CENG 105, students write multiparagraph essays, learning the importance of thesis, topic sentence and paragraph development, along with how purpose and audience control the focus of the idea. During CENG 106, students continue to work on multiparagraph themes, including the persuasive essay and the research paper. A minimum grade of “C” is required for each course. CENG 105 is prerequisite to CENG 106. These courses may not be taken simultaneously. A writing proficiency examination is administered as a requirement for exiting CENG 106.
CENG 106 College Composition II 3 Credits
A one- semester course emphasizing development of college-level writing skills. In CENG 105, students write multi-paragraph essays, learning the importance of thesis, topic sentence and paragraph development, along with how purpose and audience control the focus of the idea. During CENG 106, students continue to work on multi-paragraph themes, including the persuasive essay and the research paper. A minimum grade of "C" is required for each course. Prerequisite: CENG 105 with a minimum final grade of "C". A writing proficiency examination is administered as a requirement for exiting CENG 106.
CENG 106H Honors College Composition 3 Credits
Both courses examine ideas and systems of traditional and contemporary writers. CENG 105 includes basic research techniques. CENG 106 focuses on the development of a critical research project. Includes class discussion, debate, and individual and group projects designed to develop critical faculties. Satisfies General Education core requirement for College Composition.
CENG 106WS College Composition II (WISE) 3 Credits
A one-year course emphasizing development of college-level writing skills. In CENG 105, students write multiparagraph essays, learning the importance of thesis, topic sentence and paragraph development, along with how purpose and audience control the focus of the idea. During CENG 106, students continue to work on multiparagraph themes, including the persuasive essay and the research paper. A minimum grade of “C” is required for each course. CENG 105 is prerequisite to CENG 106. These courses may not be taken simultaneously. A writing proficiency examination is administered as a requirement for exiting CENG 106.
CENG 201 Intro to World Literature I 3 Credits
Offered each semester for English Majors. Selected world masterpieces, with emphasis on Western civilization and historical, literary, and philosophical antecedents of twentieth-century United States culture. Introduces concepts and vocabulary required for reading, analyzing, and interpreting literature. CENG 201 explores literature from the beginnings to the Renaissance. Prerequisite: CENG 106 with a minimum final grade of ¿C¿.
CENG 201H Honors World Literature 3 Credits
Readings are drawn from the ancient, medieval, Renaissance, and modern worlds. Works from several cultures and periods suggest ways in which cultures and periods shape the self. Satisfies General Education core requirement for literature.
CENG 202 Intro to World Literature II 3 Credits
Offered each semester for English Majors. Selected world masterpieces, with emphasis on Western civilization and historical, literary, and philosophical antecedents of twentieth-century United States culture. Introduces concepts and vocabulary required for reading, analyzing, and interpreting literature. CENG 202 explores literature from the Renaissance to the present. Prerequisite: CENG 106 with a minimum final grade of ¿C¿.
CENG 202H Honors Intro to World Lit II 3 Credits
Readings are drawn from the ancient, medieval, Renaissance, and modern worlds. Works from several cultures and periods suggest ways in which cultures and periods shape the self. Satisfies General Education core requirement for literature.
CENG 210 Literary Forms 3 Credits
Introduction to the techniques of reading literature and writing about literature and includes the study of genre, rhetorical and literary devices, literary research and documentation. Prerequisite to other major courses in English.
CENG 231 Sophmore Seminar 2 Credits
Opportunities for majors to acquire career preparation and additional academic enrichment.
CENG 311 Adv Grammar & Composition 3 Credits
An advanced course in expository, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative writing, with emphasis on grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
CENG 313 Survey Major British Writers I 3 Credits
CENG 314 Survey Major British Writer II 3 Credits
A study of authors whose lives, writings, and philosophies represent major stages in the literature of Great Britain. CENG 314 covers the Restoration to the present and includes writers from Dryden to Eliot.
CENG 315 Survey of Major US Writers I 3 Credits
A chronological study of major writers in the United States from the eighteenth century to the present. CENG 315 explores early American writers, including Wheatley, Emerson, Irving, Poe, and Hawthorne.
CENG 316 Survey of Major US Writers II 3 Credits
A chronological study of major writers in the United States from the eighteenth century to the present. CENG 316 covers the literature from 1865 to the present; Whitman, Frost, Wright, Faulkner, Brooks and Morrison are included.
CENG 318 Colloquium 3 Credits
An exploration of selected authors and literary works depending on the interests of faculty and students in the department.
CENG 320 Renaissance Literature 3 Credits
A survey of major genres, authors, and social and philosophical changes in sixteenth-century England. Included are writers such as Wyatt, Spenser, Marlowe, Kyd, Bacon, Donne, and Johnson.
CENG 321 The Romantic Period 3 Credits
A study of general characteristics of the period and its intellectual and cultural focus. Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats are some of the authors included.
CENG 322 The Victorian Period 3 Credits
A study of major essayists, novelists, playwrights, and poets from 1832 to 1901.
CENG 331 Junior Seminar 2 Credits
Opportunities for majors to acquire career preparation and additional academic enrichment.
CENG 340 Intro. to Fiction Writing 3 Credits
This class introduces students to the writer's craft, with emphasis on the analytical study of fiction, narrative strategies, diction, tone, character and conflict.
CENG 341 Intro. to Poetry Writing 3 Credits
This course introduces poetry through reading, writing, analysis, and peer critiques. Students study different forms of poetry and the different poetic movements. Students produce a number of original poems in the class.
CENG 342 Intro. to Drama Writing 3 Credits
This course is an introduction to the process of playwriting. The emphasis is on the exploration of a range of techniques and tools available to the playwright. Through the completion and discussion of a series of writing exercises the class will examine the various elements of playwriting. Students completing this course will craft at least one ten-minute and one one-act play.
CENG 343 Intro. to Crea Nonfiction Writ 3 Credits
This course focuses on the study of the personal essay. Students will study and analyze the essays of professional writers as well as create a personal essay of their own.
CENG 350 Technical Writing 3 Credits
CENG 357 Folk Literature 3 Credits
An introduction to folklore, emphasizing folk literature and the comparison of various ethnic groups. Both oral and written literature are studied, including riddles, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, superstitions, legends, and popular sayings.
CENG 358 Southern Fiction & Folk Lit. 3 Credits
A study of representative works of southern writers, with concentration on nineteenth- and twentieth-century works by and about southerners. Emphasis is on creative works published after the Civil War.
CENG 367 Baldwin 3 Credits
An examination of the major essays, selected novels, and short stories of James Baldwin.
The course explores significant influences and Baldwin’s own understanding of
himself as artist, black man, and United States citizen
CENG 397 Independent Study & Research 3 Credits
An opportunity for all majors to conduct guided research on an author, era, or issue in literary studies. Depending on faculty availability, students may combine these aspects to reflect their particular interests.
CENG 409 Shakespeare 3 Credits
A study of representative plays, including histories, tragedies, romances and comedies.
CENG 412 Fiction Workshop 3 Credits
An opportunity for the novice and the experienced creative writer to develop imaginative expression in poetry, fiction, and drama. The course introduces students to the means of publication and competition.
CENG 413 Autobiography and Biography 3 Credits
Students produce five poems for classmates to analyze in this advanced course. Emphasis in this class will be on producing at least one publishable poem.
CENG 414 Drama Workshop 3 Credits
An advanced study of the process of playwriting in which students will produce at least two plays and participate in the analyzing of student plays.
CENG 415 Creative Nonfiction Workshop 3 Credits
This is an advanced study of the personal essay. Students in this class produce at least three personal essays and participate in analyzing classmates’ personal non-fiction. Emphasis in this class will be on producing at least one publishable essay.
CENG 416 Editing and Publishing/The CAU 3 Credits
Students will learn the skills of editing and publishing as well as working with writers. Students will solicit, select, edit, and publish creative works from students in the Atlanta University Center (AUC) in Clark Atlanta University’s literary magazine The CAU Review.
CENG 417 Mtd Teaching ENG in Sec Schls 3 Credits
A study of recent trends in methodology and materials used in the teaching of composition and literature. CENG 417 is designed especially for prospective English teachers.
CENG 418 History of the English Lang. 3 Credits
An introduction to the study of language; the nature and function of language; and the historical changes in English phonology, morphology, grammar, and vocabulary from the beginnings of the language to the modern period.
CENG 420 Poetry Writing Workshop 3 Credits
Students produce five poems for classmates to analyze in this advanced course. Emphasis in this class will be on producing at least one publishable poem.
CENG 431 Senior Seminar 2 Credits
Opportunities for majors to acquire career preparation and additional academic enrichment.
CENG 459 African-Amer Literature I 3 Credits
A survey of African and African-American literature, with emphasis on the historical evolution and treatment of representative poetry, tales, short stories, and novels. CENG 459 covers colonial African-American literature to the Harlem Renaissance; CENG 460 covers the period from the Harlem Renaissance to the present.
CENG 460 African-Amer Literature II 3 Credits
A survey of African and African-American literature, with emphasis on the historical evolution and treatment of representative poetry, tales, short stories, and novels. CENG 459 covers colonial African-American literature to the Harlem Renaissance; CENG 460 covers the period from the Harlem Renaissance to the present.
CENG 461 Modern Literature 3 Credits
An examination of selected twentieth-century writers. CENG 461 emphasizes readings and discussions of significant works from Africa, Britain, Canada, India, Russia, the United States, and the Caribbean.
CENG 468 Internship 3 Credits
An opportunity for junior and senior English majors to do supervised career-related
internships on or off campus. Students must discuss plans for internships with
the chair of the Department of English prior to enrollment.
CENG 502 Methods of Research 3 Credits
Lectures and exercises in research in literature and language with emphasis on thesis problems; required of all students in English (first semester).
CENG 509 Genres of Literary Expression 3 Credits
Studies in rotation of the formal parameters and evaluative criteria which define a given genre: the novel, biography and autobiography, drama and poetry (open only to students in the Doctor of Arts in Humanities Program).
CENG 510 Early American Literature 3 Credits
This course covers mainly English language texts of British North American from the mid-seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. It includes literature of exploration and conquest, Puritan sermons, colonial historical narrative and literature of settlement, Puritan poetry, Native American voices, slave narrative, poetry of the early national period, and drama and fiction of the Early Republic.
CENG 511 American Poetry 3 Credits
This course will trace the history of American poetry through the twentieth century emphasizing three different ways of looking at the poetry of the period—through the poetics of the vernacular, the orchestral, and the experimental.
CENG 513 American Realism & Naturalism 3 Credits
Studies late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century American literature categorized as realism and naturalism, works that reflect the “camera-eye” vision and the “under side” look at life. It includes authors such as Rebecca Harding Davis, Henry James, Chesnutt, Dreiser, Crane, Frank Norris, Mark Twain, and Pauline Hopkins. Historical context will be important in the course.
CENG 514 The American Novel 3 Credits
Explores the development of the novel in America from the late-eighteenth century to 1965. It includes the study of different types of novels, with a special emphasis on the modernist works, and explores how they shaped, and were shaped by, the social, cultural, and historical forces characterizing the literary periods associated with them.
CENG 516 Modern American Drama 3 Credits
Studies 19th- and 20th-century (including contemporary) plays written by American playwrights. Representative dramatists from each literary-historical period and a range of dramatic styles will be covered—with an emphasis on modern drama.
CENG 520 Ideas & Forms in Afr Amer Lit 3 Credits
This course surveys African American literature from both conceptual and historical perspectives in an effort to determine the extent to which the literature is uniquely African American.
CENG 522 African American Novel 3 Credits
This course explores the African American novel within each novel’s social, cultural, and literary milieu, from the early Clotel, or the President’s Daughter, to the contemporary, such as Morrison’s Paradise.
CENG 523 Poetry of the Harlem Renaissan 3 Credits
Includes studies in major--and some minor--black poets, poetry and poetics, and critics from the period 1919-1934; the course also considers relevant white poets and critics of the era. Poets under study will vary somewhat depending on the semester taught.
CENG 530 The African Novel 3 Credits
A study of modern African novels written in English with attention to their social contexts. Authors/novels will vary.
CENG 532 African Cultural Traditions 3 Credits
The course studies and analyzes the concepts of the black worldview and culture; it includes readings of African American, African, and other Eastern aesthetics.
CENG 533 Caribbean Short Fiction & Nove 3 Credits
This course explores both commonalities and differences identified in short and long fiction by Anglophone, francophone, and Spanish-speaking Caribbean writers, features that underscore the Pan-Caribbean scope of the writers' defining experiences.
CENG 543 Victorian Literature 3 Credits
This course focuses on the more important works by major poets, critics, and autobiographers. Historical context and recent criticism will be a part of the study. Among the authors included: Carlyle, Mill, Ruskin, Arnold, Tennyson, Barrett-Browning, Browning, Gabriel Dante Rossetti, Christina Rossetti, Swinburne, and Hopkins.
CENG 544 Shakespeare I: The Early Plays 3 Credits
Critical reading of the dramatic works of Shakespeare to about 1600. This course locates the dramatic achievement of the first half of Shakespeare’s works in the context of the theatrical, literary, social, and political world in which he lived.
CENG 546 Modern British Drama 3 Credits
This course focuses on post-World War II major British and Irish playwrights and their works, including such authors as Samuel Beckett, Simon Bent, David Kane, and Tom Stoppard.
CENG 547 Renaissance Literature 3 Credits
The course focuses on major writers and their works, including poetry, essays, and drama. Among the authors included in the course are Wyatt, Howard, Sidney, Spenser, Marlow, Shakespeare, Campion, Donne, Jonson, Bacon, Herrick, Marvell, and Milton along with lesser known authors, especially females.
CENG 560 Literary Theory & Criticism 3 Credits
(Replaces CENG 685, Literary Criticism). 3 Credits
Survey of the principles governing the creation, appreciation, and valuation of literatures as they have developed over the centuries, especially as defined and redefined during the contemporary period.
CENG 570 Special Topics in Literature 3 Credits
Study in speical topics in literature, including multiethnic/cultural, film, technology and literature, or more particularized studies of authors/literature in the four areas of doctoral studies: African American, American, British, Arican/Caribbean.
CENG 580 Modern Linguistics 3 Credits
Introduction to modern descriptive linguistics and the principles of generative grammar.
CENG 581 History of English Language 3 Credits
Study of the nature and function of language; the development of English sounds, forms and syntax; modern English grammar, vocabulary, and American speech.
CENG 590 Comtemporary Afr Women's Fict. 3 Credits
Examination of the fiction by women throughout the African diaspora with attention given to the roles and status of women in these societies.
CENG 591 Afr Amer Women Writers:Genre. 3 Credits
Study of a particular genre of literature by African-American women writers. Genre, i.e., fiction, poetry and drama, will vary each term the course is taught.
CENG 593 Southern Women Writers 3 Credits
Studies the works of women writers of the United States South with a focus on themes of culture, race, gender, class, and heritage.
CENG 594 Southern Women Writers 3 Credits
Examination of the texts and the tensions emerging from the literary experience of women writing in the southern United States. Attention will be given to prevailing southern themes of race, class, gender, and heritage.
CENG 599 Directed Studies 2-3 Credits
CENG 600 Independent Study 3 Credits
Studies of works in areas not offered in scheduled classes or seminars (offered on demand and supervised by selected faculty).
CENG 601 Thesis Consultation 1 Credit
CENG 605 Thesis Research 3 Credits
CENG 610 Early American Literature 3 Credits
This course covers mainly English language texts of British North American from the mid-seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. It includes literature of exploration and conquest, Puritan sermons, colonial historical narrative and literature of settlement, Puritan poetry, Native American voices, slave narrative, poetry of the early national period, and drama and fiction of the Early Republic.
CENG 611 American Poetry and Poetics 3 Credits
This course will trace the history of American poetry through the twentieth century emphasizing three different ways of looking at the poetry of the period—through the poetics of the vernacular, the orchestral, and the experimental.
CENG 613 American Realism & Naturalism 3 Credits
Studies late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century American literature categorized as realism and naturalism, works that reflect the “camera-eye” vision and the “under side” look at life. It includes authors such as Rebecca Harding Davis, Henry James, Chesnutt, Dreiser, Crane, Frank Norris, Mark Twain, and Pauline Hopkins. Historical context will be important in the course.
CENG 615 Contemporary Amer Literature 3 Credits
Examines a selection of contemporary American fiction from 1965 to the present in historic, aesthetic, social, and cultural contexts. Authors include Kurt Vonnegut, Don DeLillo, Ishmael Reed, Tom Wolf, Norman Mailer, Toni Morrison, Louise Erdrich, Maxine Hong Kingston, and others.
CENG 620 Ideas & Forms in Afr Amer Lit 3 Credits
This course surveys African American literature from both conceptual and historical perspectives in an effort to determine the extent to which the literature is uniquely African American.
CENG 621 African American Poetry 3 Credits
Studies in major poets and their poetry from the beginning through present—excluding the Harlem Renaissance—within their cultural, historical, and literary contexts.
CENG 622 African American Novel 3 Credits
This course explores the African American novel within each novel’s social, cultural, and literary milieu, from the early Clotel, or the President’s Daughter, to the contemporary, such as Morrison’s Paradise.
CENG 623 Poetry of the Harlem Renaissan 3 Credits
Includes studies in major--and some minor--black poets, poetry and poetics, and critics from the period 1919-1934; the course also considers relevant white poets and critics of the era. Poets under study will vary somewhat depending on the semester taught.
CENG 630 The African Novel 3 Credits
A study of modern African novels written in English with attention to their social contexts. Authors/novels will vary.
CENG 632 African Cultural Traditions 3 Credits
The course studies and analyzes the concepts of the black worldview and culture; it includes readings of African American, African, and other Eastern aesthetics.
CENG 635 Commonwealth Literature 3 Credits
The study of selected literatures written in English by writers from British Commonwealth countries, such as South Africa, Nigeria, Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, and the West Indies.
CENG 641 Later English Novel 3 Credits
This course is a study of the development of the novel from 1820 through World War I. It includes critical readings of selected works.
CENG 643 Victorian Literature 3 Credits
This course focuses on the more important works by major poets, critics, and autobiographers. Historical context and recent criticism will be a part of the study. Among the authors included: Carlyle, Mill, Ruskin, Arnold, Tennyson, Barrett-Browning, Browning, Gabriel Dante Rossetti, Christina Rossetti, Swinburne, and Hopkins.
CENG 644 Shakespear I: The Early Plays 3 Credits
Critical reading of the dramatic works of Shakespeare to about 1600. This course locates the dramatic achievement of the first half of Shakespeare’s works in the context of the theatrical, literary, social, and political world in which he lived.
CENG 647 Renaissance Literature 3 Credits
The course focuses on major writers and their works, including poetry, essays, and drama. Among the authors included in the course are Wyatt, Howard, Sidney, Spenser, Marlow, Shakespeare, Campion, Donne, Jonson, Bacon, Herrick, Marvell, and Milton along with lesser known authors, especially females.
CENG 660 Special Topics in Writing 3 Credits
This advance level course emphasizes audience awareness, effective design and organization, clarity and correctness, and mastery of writing forms frequently encountered in the workplace.
Creative Writing: This course will vary, focusing on fiction, poetry, drama, and creative non-fiction alternately.
Technical Writing: This is a course in analysis and writing of business and technical documents.
Course content varies and may be repeated for credit.
CENG 670 Special Topics in Literature 3 Credits
Study in speical topics in literature, including multiethnic/cultural, film, technology and literature, or more particularized studies of authors/literature in the four areas of doctoral studies: African American, American, British, Arican/Caribbean.
CENG 680 Directed Research 3 Credits
CENG 681 History of English Language 3 Credits
Study of the nature and function of language; the development of English sounds, forms, and syntax; modern English grammar, vocabulary, and American speech.
CENG 691 Carribbean Women Writers 3 Credits
CENG 692 Ethnic Amer Women Writers 3 Credits
CENG 693 Southern Women Writers 3 Credits
Advance level course studies the works of women writers of the United States South with a focus on themes of culture, race, gender, class, and heritage.
CENG 750 Modern Linguistics 3 Credits
Study of modern descriptive linguistics and the principles of generative grammar.
CENG 752 Major Authors 3 Credits
A focused study on (a) preeminent author/s writing in English that emphasizes the uniqueness and impact of the writer/s on the literary environment and traditions of the milieu.
CENG 801 Dissertation Consultation 1 Credit
CENG 805 Dissertation Research 3 Credits