Foreign Language-Spanish (CFLS)
CFLS 101 Elementary Spanish 3 Credits
Students acquire a basic level of communication in Spanish and a familiarity with a variety of Francophone cultures through the utilization of the language in context. The course includes a variety of media, including audio, video and the Internet to complement the textbook. Classes meet three (3) lecture hours per week and one (1) laboratory hour per week. Prerequisites: None
CFLS 102 Elementary Spanish 3 Credits
Students acquire a basic level of communication in Spanish and a familiarity with a variety of Francophone cultures through the utilization of the language in context. The course includes a variety of media, including audio, video and the Internet to complement the textbook. Classes meet three (3) lecture hours per week and one (1) laboratory hour per week. Prerequisites: CFLS 101.
CFLS 103 Spanish for Social Services 3 Credits
This course seeks to provide instruction in the Spanish language to students interested in Social Sciences, particularly, Social Work, and to familiarize them with cultural practices and behaviors of Hispanic clients, in order to facilitate interaction, through enhanced comprehension and increasingly effective communication.
CFLS 201 Intermediate Spanish 3 Credits
Students build on the knowledge and skills acquired in elementary Spanish, with emphasis placed on communication proficiency and the forging of a strong linguistic base. In addition to the variety of media utilized in elementary Spanish, significantly more authentic cultural artifacts (literary texts, newspaper articles, and films) are introduced throughout the course. Classes meet three (3) lecture hours per week and one (1) laboratory hour per week. Prerequisites: CFLS 102.
CFLS 202 Intermediate Spanish 3 Credits
Students build on the knowledge and skills acquired in elementary Spanish, with emphasis placed on communication proficiency and the forging of a strong linguistic base. In addition to the variety of media utilized in elementary Spanish, significantly more authentic cultural artifacts (literary texts, newspaper articles, and films) are introduced throughout the course. Classes meet three (3) lecture hours per week and one (1) laboratory hour per week. Prerequisite: CFLF 201.
CFLS 303 Spanish Pronunciation&Phonetic 3 Credits
This course treats the proper pronunciation of Spanish and the perfecting of a near-native Spanish diction through the aid of phonetic transcription and authentic Spanish videos and audio texts. Prerequisite: CFLS 202.
CFLS 304 Spanish Conversation 3 Credits
This course deals with improving listening comprehension and oral expression by forcing the student to enhance his/her vocabulary through copious readings, viewing videos and discussing cultural topics. Emphasis will also be placed on writing. Prerequisite: CFLS 202.
CFLS 307 Business Spanish 3 Credits
The course is designed to introduce students to basic business concepts while providing fundamental terminology and usage in Spanish. Students will acquire the rudiments of some functional areas of business, examine the protocol of business environments, read and analyze commercial texts. Sensitivity to and appreciation of cultural content and differences in the Hispanic business world are also integral parts of instruction. Classes are conducted entirely in Spanish. Prerequisite: CFLS 202.
CFLS 308 Commercial Spanish 3 Credits
The course is a continuation of CFLS 307, Business Spanish I. It emphasizes the practical application of concepts taught previously, practice in carrying out typical business transactions in Spanish, and writing business documents in Spanish. Translations and case analysis of the experiences of actual business entities in the Hispanic world are also integral parts of instruction. Classes are conducted entirely in Spanish. Prerequisite: CFLS 307.
CFLS 315 Spanish-American Civilization 3 Credits
CFLS 325 Survey of Peninsular Lit 3 Credits
The course includes a study of the outstanding works of major authors and the major literary movements from the Middle Ages to the Golden Age. Prerequisite: CFLS 315.
CFLS 326 Survey of Peninsular Lit 3 Credits
The course includes a study of the outstanding works of major authors and the major literary movements from the seventeenth century to the present. Prerequisite: CFLS 315.
CFLS 327 Survey of Latin Amer Lit 3 Credits
The course is a study of the representative works of Latin American literature, including Afro-Hispanic literature and covers the pre-Hispanic, colonial and independence eras. The second half covers the post-independence period to the present. Prerequisite: CFLS 304.
CFLS 328 Survey of Latin Amer Lit 3 Credits
Study of the representative works of Latin American literature, including Afro-Hispanic literature. The first half of this two-part series covers the pre-Hispanic, colonial and independence eras. The second half covers the post-independence period to the present. Prerequisite: CFLS 304.
CFLS 335 Intensive Readings 3 Credits
The course is a survey of grammar with emphasis on improving and reinforcing reading skills. Prerequisite: CFLS 304 or approval of the instructor.
CFLS 351 Composition & Translation 3 Credits
The course discusses advanced problems in grammar and syntax, written exercises, and free composition. It features instruction in writing different genres and modifying writing style to accommodate specific audiences, techniques for promoting cultural and global awareness. The course includes instruction in stylistic features of writing that distinguish Spanish from English. Classes are conducted entirely in Spanish. Prerequisites: CFLS 304, Spanish Conversation or CFLS 335.
CFLS 352 Composition & Translation 3 Credits
The course discusses advanced problems in grammar and syntax, written exercises, and free composition. It features instruction in writing different genres and modifying writing style to accommodate specific audiences, techniques for promoting cultural and global awareness. The course includes instruction in stylistic features of writing that distinguish Spanish from English. Classes are conducted entirely in Spanish. Prerequisites: CFLS 304 or CFLS 335.
CFLS 354 Literature of the Golden Age 3 Credits
The course is an analysis of conditions, which produced the Golden Age, with emphasis on the life and thought of Cervantes. It includes readings from the Quixote and Novelas Ejemplares. Prerequisite: CFLS 353.
CFLS 391 Adv Grammar, Comp & Conv 3 Credits
The course provides instruction in advanced grammatical problems and stylistics, emphasizing the mastery of the use of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. It also includes instruction in the formation of simple and complex sentence structures. Classes are conducted entirely in Spanish. Prerequisites: CFLS 303 and CFLS 304.
CFLS 415 Survey of Peninsular Civil. 3 Credits
This course treats the history of Spain from its origin to the present. It will delve into the social and political institutions and explore their impact on contemporary Spanish society. It will also provide a cursory view of artistic - architectural, musical and literary - as well as philosophical movements throughout the Ages. Classes are conducted entirely in Spanish. Prerequisite: CFLS 391.
CFLS 419 Introduction to Linguistics 3 Credits
This course is an introduction to the scientific study of language with focus on the analysis and description of language. Topics include language acquisition, writing systems, sound systems, meaning, and language change in society. Prerequisite: CFLS 391 and CFLS 392.
CFLS 440 Directed Readings 3 Credits
This course is designed to allow majors to do more in-depth study and investigation of special areas of interest or to improve their language proficiency. The student works under the close supervision of a professor who will prescribe a plan of action (which must be approved by the department chair in advance) to be followed. Student must be able to work independently on the Internet. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all required 300 level courses.
CFLS 441 Directed Readings in Spanish 3 Credits
This course is designed to allow majors to do more in-depth study and investigation of special areas of interest or to improve their language proficiency. The student works under the close supervision of a professor who will prescribe a plan of action (which must be approved by the department chair in advance) to be followed. Student must be able to work independently on the Internet.
CFLS 447 Afro-Hispanic Literature 3 Credits
This course is an historical and cultural overview of the African Diaspora in Latin America, with special emphasis on the development of the Afro-Hispanic literary canon. A variety of literary forms will be treated and will include poetry, the novel, short stories, critical essays and other narrative materials. There will also be an articulation around three components: slavery, negrista and neo-negrista movements, and will allow students to discuss the question of the Black Diaspora and the literary treatment of race and identity and other key concepts. Prerequisite: CFLS 416 or approval of instructor. (Recommended for students interested in studying abroad in Latin America).
CFLS 448 Afro-Hispanic Literature 3 Credits
This course is an historical and cultural overview of the African Diaspora in Latin America, with special emphasis on the development of the Afro-Hispanic literary canon. A variety of literary forms will be treated and will include poetry, the novel, short stories, critical essays and other narrative materials. There will also be an articulation around three components: slavery, negrista and neo-negrista movements, and will allow students to discuss the question of the Black Diaspora and the literary treatment of race and identity and other key concepts. Prerequisite: CFLS 416 or approval of instructor. (Recommended for students interested in studying abroad in Latin America).
CFLS 461 Explicacion de Textos 3 Credits
This is an in-depth course in literary analysis that aims to prepare students for close textual reading and writing. It treats detailed critical analysis of selected passages with references to biographical elements, sources of origins, literary meaning, authenticity, and aesthetic qualities. Students produce oral and written reports in Spanish. Class is conducted entirely in Spanish. Prerequisites: CFLS 351 or CFLS 391.
CFLS 480 Senior Conference in Spanish 3 Credits
This is a final-year directed independent study designed to explore and remedy specific areas of weakness of prospective graduates. Different assessment tools will be used to enhance the students' content knowledge and productive skills in the target language to meet both the University and ACTFL standards. Prerequisite: Completion of all required courses for the major.
CFLS 506 Spanish for Graduate Students 3 Credits
Designed to prepare graduate students for developing the foreign language reading and translation skills necessary for easy comprehension of scholarly articles in their subject area. The class meets three hours weekly for one semester (may be audited for 0 credits under CSPA 056). One does not need any prior knowledge of Spanish to be enrolled in this course.
CFLS 509 Directed Readings in Spanish 3-6 Credits
In-depth study and investigation of a particular period or writer of interest to an individual student. The supervising instructor in consultation with the department chairperson must approve all special study projects in advance. This course may be repeated.
CFLS 510 Directed Readings in Spanish 3-6 Credits
In-depth study and investigation of a particular period or writer of interest to an individual student. The supervising instructor in consultation with the department chairperson must approve all special study projects in advance. This course may be repeated.
CFLS 620 Afro-Hispanic Literature 3 Credits
Study of the ¿tema¿ Negro and of the black writers of Latin American prose and poetry. Particular attention will be paid to Afro-Antillean literature.
CFLS 623 The Generation of 1898 3 Credits
Study of the novel, poetry, drama and essays of Ramón del Valle-Inclán, Antonio Azorín, Jacinto Benavente, Miguel de Unamuno, Pío Baroja, and Antonio de Machado.
CFLS 625 The 20th Cent Latin Amer Novel 3 Credits
Examination of the evolution of the Spanish American novel in the twentieth century; special attention to experimentation and innovation in novelistic technique and ¿magic realism¿ in recent works of Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Márquez and Isabel Allende.
CFLS 628 Hispanic Minorities in the US 3 Credits
Study of the heritage, values, special concerns and the contribution to American culture of Hispanic Americans, and an examination of population growth in Hispanic communities throughout the United States.
CFLS 640 Sem in Comparative Black Lit 3 Credits
Selected research problems comparing and contrasting traditions in Francophone, Afro-Hispanic and African-American literature.
CFLS 716 Comparative Romance Culture 3-6 Credits
Comparative study of Romance societies from their origins to the present with major emphases on political, social, and cultural institutions. This study will also include points of convergence from linguistic and cultural perspectives.
CFLS 761 Spanish Seminar:Research... 3-6 Credits
The examination, documentation, resolving and presentation of research problems in a specific field.
CFLS 762 Spanish Seminar:Research... 3-6 Credits
The examination, documentation, resolving and presentation of research problems in a specific field.
CFLS 801 Thesis Consultation 1 Credit
CFLS 802 Thesis Consultation 1 Credit