Academic Catalog

Mathematics (CMAT)

CMAT 103  Algebra I  3 Credits  
Basic concepts of arithmetic and algebra, the real numbers, first degree equations of one variable, inequalities, exponents, polynomials, factoring, algebraic fractions, coordinate geometry and linear systems, rational exponents and radicals, quadratic equations.
CMAT 104  Finite Mathematics  3 Credits  
Linear models, polynomial and rational models, exponential and logarithmic models, mathematics of finance, systems of linear equations and matrices, linear programming.
CMAT 105  Pre-Calculus I  3 Credits  
Fundamentals of algebra for study in analytic geometry and calculus. Concepts include the real numbers system, basic algebra, equations and inequalities of first and second degree, and functions and their graphs. Prerequisites: Institutional placement or CMAT 103.
CMAT 106  Pre-Calculus II  3 Credits  
Fundamentals of trigonometry for study in analytic geometry and calculus. Concepts include trigonometry, systems of equations and inequalities, conic sections, and sequences and series. Prerequisites: CMAT 105, or placement based on entrance exams.
CMAT 107  Precalculus (Accelerated)  4 Credits  
This course is designed for STEM majors who require a review of algebra and trigonometry before beginning the calculus sequence. Topics include the real number system, algebraic equations and inequalities; systems of equations, exponential and logarithmic equations; functions and graphs; and trigonometry.
CMAT 108  Combined Pre-calculus  6 Credits  
This course emphasizes problem solving in mathematics. It will focus on concepts necessary to solve a variety of problems in algebra and trigonometry and enable the student to undertake a successful study of calculus, statistics or other intermediate level courses in mathematics. Prerequisites: Departmental approval
CMAT 109  College Algebra for Bus & Econ  3 Credits  
This course includes the real number system, algebraic techniques, equations, linear models, polynomials and rational models, exponential and logarithmic models, and applications of these topics to business and economics areas.
CMAT 110  Calculus for Bus & Econ  3 Credits  
This course in applied calculus is designed for students majoring in business and economics. Topics include differentiation and integration of functions, multivariate calculus, and application of these topics to business and economics. Prerequisite: CMAT 109
CMAT 111  Calculus I  4 Credits  
Real numbers, functions, limits, derivatives, definite integrals and the applications of these topics. Prerequisites: Institutional placement or CMAT 106 or CMAT 108.
CMAT 112  Calculus II  4 Credits  
Topics covered include techniques of integration with applications to volume and surface area of solids of revolution and centers of mass, parametric equations, polar coordinates, improper integrals, and infinite series. Prerequisites: CMAT 111.
CMAT 113  Calculus for Biological Scienc  4 Credits  
This is a one semester applied calculus course that covers differential and integral calculus and its applications to the Biological Sciences. Prerequisites: CMAT 107 or CMAT 105 and CMAT 106; This course is required for Biology and Psychology majors pursuing the Bachelor of Science Degree. Approval is required for other majors.
CMAT 204  Introduction to Statistics  3 Credits  
This is an introductory statistics course intended for students in various disciplines. Topics include descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, probability distribution, hypothesis testing, correlation and linear regression.
CMAT 207  Intro Data Sci Using Python&R  3 Credits  
Course Description: This course is an introduction to data science through programming in Python and R. Topics include data science methodology, basics of coding in Python and R, data preparation, exploratory data analysis, decision, Naïve Bayes classification, model evaluation, clustering, and regression modeling. Prerequisites: CMAT 105 or above; This course has no programming prerequisites.
CMAT 209  Calculus with Anal Geometry I  3 Credits  
An integrated course in analytic geometry and calculus designed for students in economics, business administration, and biology. The course provides students with the skills needed to study mathematics of finance, limits, functions, and differentiation. Prerequisites: CMAT 105 or Institutional placement. This course is for students majoring in business.
CMAT 210  Calculus w/Analy Geometry II  3 Credits  
Differentiation and integration of transcendental functions, definite integral, indefinite integral, area under curves, area between two curves, and differentiation of multivariable functions. Prerequisites: CMAT 209. This course is for students majoring in business.
CMAT 211  Calculus III  4 Credits  
Topics include multidimensional calculus, namely partial geometry, multiple integrals, vector calculus and their applications. Prerequisites: CMAT 112.
CMAT 212  Differential Equations  3 Credits  
This course focuses on the definition and classification of differential equations. Techniques for first order nonlinear equations, linear equations with constant and variable coefficients, methods of undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, Cauchy-Euler equations, and other methods for solving nonlinear equations, series solutions. Prerequisites: CMAT 112.
CMAT 214  Linear Algebra  3 Credits  
This course is an introduction to linear algebra. Topics include vectors, matrices, linear equations, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, and vector spaces with an inner product. Prerequisites: CMAT 106 or equivalent.
CMAT 311  Mathematical Logic  3 Credits  
This course is a study of sets and equivalence classes, Boolean algebra, the role of axiomatic in the structure of mathematics, basic principles of logic involving rules of modus ponens, reduction absurdum, propositional calculus, first order logic, and the nature of mathematical proof. Prerequisites: CMAT 111 or departmental approval.
CMAT 321  Mathematical Prob & Stat I  3 Credits  
This course is an introduction to probability; distribution functions and moment generating functions; correlation and regression; development and applications of the binomial, normal, Student's t, chi square, and F distributions; Poisson's and Cauchy's distributions. Prerequisites: CMAT 112 or departmental approval
CMAT 322  Mathematical Prob & Stat II  3 Credits  
This course is a continuation of CMAT 321; distribution functions and moment generating functions; correlation and regression; development and applications of the binomial, normal, Student's t, chi square, and F distributions; Poisson's and Cauchy's distributions. Prerequisites: CMAT 321
CMAT 325  Modern Algebra  3 Credits  
This course includes a study of the number system, groups, rings, fields, matrices and linear transformations, linear algebra, and other algebraic systems, vector spaces, systems of equations, reducible polynomials, and algebraic and transcendental numbers. Prerequisites: CMAT 311 or Departmental Approval
CMAT 326  Modern Algebra II  3 Credits  
This course is a continuation of CMAT 325. This course includes a study of the number system, groups, rings, fields, matrices and linear transformations, linear algebra, and other algebraic systems, vector spaces, systems of equations, reducible polynomials, and algebraic and transcendental numbers. Prerequisites: CMAT 325.
CMAT 407  Data Science 1  3 Credits  
Course Description: This course is designed for Data Science minor students from any discipline. Topics include visualization, data wrangling, tidy data, predictive model, supervised and unsupervised models. Prerequisites: CMAT 204 and CMAT 207 Introduction to Data Science using Python and R, or equivalents to these two courses.
CMAT 421  Advanced Calculus I  3 Credits  
This course includes a study of sets, relations and functions, mathematical induction, equivalent and countable sets, real numbers, order and completeness, sequences, series, limits of functions, and community, the Riemann integral, improper integral. Metric spaces, completeness, compactness, sequences and series of functions, uniform continuity and convergence, integral of sequences and series of functions. Prerequisites: CMAT 211 and CMAT 311.
CMAT 422  Advanced Calculus II  3 Credits  
This course includes a study of sets, relations and functions, mathematical induction, equivalent and countable sets, real numbers, order and completeness, sequences, series, limits of functions, and community, the Riemann integral, improper integral. Metric spaces, completeness, compactness, sequences and series of functions, uniform continuity and convergence, integral of sequences and series of functions. Prerequisites: CMAT 421.
CMAT 423  Intro to Complex Variables I  3 Credits  
This is an introductory course in complex variables, including the complex numbers, analytic functions, elementary functions, complex integrals, series, residues, poles, and mapping by elementary functions. Prerequisites: CMAT 211
CMAT 424  Intro to Complex Variables II  3 Credits  
This course is a continuation of CMAT 423. This is an introductory course in complex variables, including the complex numbers, analytic functions, elementary functions, complex integrals, series, residues, poles, and mapping by elementary functions. Prerequisites: CMAT 423.
CMAT 427  Intro to Toplogy I  3 Credits  
This course includes the study of limits and metric spaces, continuous functions on metric spaces and general topological spaces, completeness, product spaces. Prerequisites: CMAT 211 and CMAT 311 or departmental approval
CMAT 428  Intro to Topology II  3 Credits  
This course is a continuation of CMAT 427. This course includes the study of limits and metric spaces, continuous functions on metric spaces and general topological spaces, completeness, product spaces. Prerequisites: CMAT 427.
CMAT 440  Numerical Analysis  3 Credits  
This course is an introductory study of numerical algorithms for the solution of algebraic, differential and partial differential equations, error analysis. Prerequisites: CMAT 212 and CMAT 214.
CMAT 443  Intro to Operations Research  3 Credits  
This course includes linear programming, duality, sensitivity analysis, integer programming and applications to various decision and management problems. Prerequisites: CMAT 211 and CMAT 214.
CMAT 461  Intro to the Theory of Numbers  3 Credits  
CMAT 471  Discrete Mathematical Stucture  3 Credits  
This course is an introduction to finite mathematical structures and their application to computational and computer sciences. Prerequisites: CMAT 111 or departmental approval.
CMAT 475  Seminar I  3 Credits  
This course includes selected topics, papers, projects, and research in mathematics. Prerequisites: Departmental approval
CMAT 476  Seminar II  3 Credits  
This course includes selected topics, papers, projects, and research in mathematics. Prerequisites: Departmental approval
CMAT 480  Independent Study  1-3 Credits  
This course includes selected topics, papers and projects. Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
CMAT 483  Mathematics in Community Ser.  3 Credits  
This course is an expansion of the departmental tutorial program offered especially to those students of Clark Atlanta University studying mathematics in the services courses CMAT 103, CMAT 104, CMAT 105 and CMAT 106. This expansion is a community course in service to local school students. Prerequisites: Departmental approval
CMAT 498  Special Topic I  3 Credits  
Project-based learning of statistical or machine-learning tools to answer queries. Practical, application-based approach to logistic regression, supervised and unsupervised analysis tools, geospatial and text data, bootstrapping, neural networks, social network graphs, and dealing with missing values.
CMAT 499  Special Topic II:  3 Credits  
Study of topics of current interest in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Students will complete and present a research-based project on a selected issue in the field of mathematics.
CMAT 501  Calculus & Linear Algebra  3 Credits  
This is a course for non-mathematics majors who are deficient in the tools of calculus and linear algebra.
CMAT 521  Real Analysis I  3 Credits  
The course discusses limits of functions, sequences, continuity, differentiation, The Riemann Integral, sequences and series of functions, Theory of Lebesgue measure and integration.
CMAT 522  Real Analysis II  3 Credits  
The course discusses limits of functions, sequences, continuity, differentiation, The Riemann Integral, sequences and series of functions, Theory of Lebesgue measure and integration.
CMAT 523  Complex Variables I  3 Credits  
The course focuses on the theory and applications of functions of a complex variable; topics include analytic functions, contour integration, harmonic functions, conformal mapping and analytic continuation.
CMAT 524  Complex Variables II  3 Credits  
The course focuses on the theory and applications of functions of a complex variable; topics include analytic functions, contour integration, harmonic functions, conformal mapping and analytic continuation.
CMAT 525  Algebra I  3 Credits  
Using abstract algebra, the course covers the basic theory of groups, Sylow theorems, rings, integral domains, fields and modules; advanced topics include Galois theory and category theory.
CMAT 526  Algebra II  3 Credits  
Using abstract algebra, the course covers the basic theory of groups, Sylow theorems, rings, integral domains, fields and modules; advanced topics include Galois theory and category theory.
CMAT 527  Topology I  3 Credits  
The course includes the study of topological concepts including metric and topological spaces, continuity, connectedness, completeness, compactness and product spaces.
CMAT 528  Topology II  3 Credits  
The course includes the study of topological concepts including metric and topological spaces, continuity, connectedness, completeness, compactness and product spaces.
CMAT 541  Principles of Applied Math I  3 Credits  
The course includes the study of various techniques of applied mathematics including Green's functions, string vibration, integral and differential operators in Hilbert spaces, spectral analysis and Laplace transform.
CMAT 542  Principles of Applied Math II  3 Credits  
The course includes the study of various techniques of applied mathematics including Green's functions, string vibration, integral and differential operators in Hilbert spaces, spectral analysis and Laplace transform.
CMAT 551  Biostatistics  3 Credits  
This course emphasizes methods of descriptive and inferential statistics through hands-on work with real data using standard statistical computer package STATA and EXCEL. Topics range from descriptive statistics that include frequency tables, graphs and summary central and spread measures; and inferential statistics that include standard estimation and hypothesis testing mehtods of one and several parameters modeling. In the model, special emphasis is placed on linear correlation and regression and methods in clinical tests and epidemiological studies. Examples are mostly drawn from the biological literature.
CMAT 601  Prob. Theory & Stochastic I  3 Credits  
The course focuses on probability theory including central limit theorem and ergodic theory. Also included is study of stationary processes, independent increment processes and Gaussian processes.
CMAT 605  Partial Differential Equations  3 Credits  
The course is a study of techniques for solving partial differential equations, including distributions, Sobolev spaces and Hilbert space methods.
CMAT 607  Intro to Numerical Methods  3 Credits  
The course includes a study of numerical algorithms for the solution of algebraic, differential and integral equations including error analysis.
CMAT 610  Foundations of Mathematics  3 Credits  
Students study basic concepts and ideas in the philosophy and foundations of mathematical sciences, topics varying with the needs of students.
CMAT 612  Theory of Sets  3 Credits  
The course topics include the descriptive theory of sets and functions, the cartesian product, relations, counting, transfinite arithmetic, well ordered sets and cardinal numbers, and the equivalence of the axiom of choice, the well-ordering theorem and Zorn¿s Lemma
CMAT 643  Operations Research I  3 Credits  
CMAT 644  Operations Research II  3 Credits  
CMAT 651  Topics in Mathematics  3 Credits  
Study of topics of current interest in the Department of Mathematical Sciences
CMAT 675  Thesis Seminar I  3 Credits  
Students develop a research topic leading to the completion of a graduate thesis.
CMAT 676  Thesis Seminar II  3 Credits  
Students develop a research topic leading to the completion of a graduate thesis.