Academic Catalog

Counselor Education (COUN)

COUN 301  Educational Psychology  3 Credits  
COUN 501  Introduction to Counseling  3 Credits  
This course takes the student through the conceptual idea phase to opening and operating the business. Students will examine the process of new-business creation, including idea development, opportunity identification, market feasibility and financial challenges for new ventures. The student will learn how to create business plan. The class may include individual and/or team business plan competition. There will be a group of professionals along with the Professor, who will grade the plans at the end of the course.
COUN 502  Helping Relationship Skills  3 Credits  
Provides a broad understanding of the theoretical foundations of the helping processes necessary for building therapeutic relationship, including cross-cultural counseling theories and the tools and techniques used to foster effective helping relationships. Students will develop intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships through practice of basic counseling skills needed to be an effective counselor. Importance is placed on the mastery of fundamental concepts that enhance the development of therapeutic relationships. This is an experiential course. Prerequisites: COUN 501 and COUN 504.
COUN 503  Human Growth and Development  3 Credits  
This course provides a comprehensive review of human development from conception to death. The grand theories of development are discussed and current events, laws and ethical and legal issues.
COUN 504  Theories of Counseling  3 Credits  
Examines major theories of counseling with respect to the major assumptions and the therapeutic relationship. Emphasis on points of convergence and divergence, strength and weakness, as well as the applicability of theories to all populations. Prerequisite: COUN 501.
COUN 505  Group Counseling  3 Credits  
Examines the meaning, function, types, and principles of the group approach to counseling, including the dynamics of group interaction, leadership, role-playing, personal development in groups, and the influences of the group processes on individual development. This is an experiential course. Prerequisites: COUN 501, COUN 502, COUN 503, & COUN 504.
COUN 506  Career Counseling  3 Credits  
This course is designed to present major theories of career development and the theoretical framework of career counseling. The course will demonstrate the basic counseling skills used in career counseling and explore sources of occupational information. Specifically, this course will address career development across the lifespan; assessment of career interest, values and skills; current occupational trends; and diversity in career choice. This course follows the principles, guidelines, codes, and standards set forth by CACREP.
COUN 507  Research & Measurement  3 Credits  
Covers the fundamentals of the research tools employed by scholars when they conduct education research. Subject matter includes library resources, types of research, review of research methodologies, measurement instruments, data collection and analysis procedures, proposal preparation and report writing. Prerequisite: COUN 512.
COUN 508  Individual and Group Appraisal  3 Credits  
Provides a broad understanding of group and individual educational and psychometric theories and approaches to appraisal, data and information gathering methods, validity and reliability, psychometric statistics, factors influencing appraisals, and the use of appraisal results in counseling and consulting. Prerequisites: COUN 507 & COUN 512.
COUN 509  Counseling Diverse Populations  3 Credits  
Examines the psychological, sociological, and anthropological principles and research in the understanding of cultural diversity in American society. Emphasis is on knowledge, skills, and self-awareness of the counselor in providing mental health services to a diverse population.
COUN 510  Professional Ethics and Legal  3 Credits  
This course provides an historical overview of the counseling profession, professional organizations, and credentialing. Legal, ethical, and professional standards of care are covered.
COUN 518  School Consultation  3 Credits  
Provides school counseling candidates the opportunity to explore the differences between direct and indirect service delivery models of consultation, reflection on the practice of consultation and develop the knowledge and skills of a problem-solving consultation process. The course provides an emphasis on working with school personnel, families, culturally and linguistically diverse populations as well as regular and disabled students. Prerequisites: COUN 501, COUN 502, COUN 503, COUN 504, COUN 505 and COUN 506.
COUN 520  Org.&Admin. of Counseling Serv  3 Credits  
Focuses on the role of the school counselor in the development, implementation, and evaluation of a comprehensive developmental guidance program, as well as the counselor's involvement in leadership within the school setting with respect to the school's curriculum, system goals, and equity issues. Prerequisites: COUN 501, COUN 502, COUN 503, COUN 504, COUN 505, COUN 506, & COUN 518.
COUN 524  School Counseling Practicum  3 Credits  
An initial supervised experience in school counseling in which counseling theory and organization of school counseling programs are applied to practice. Students are placed in a K-12 school setting. In addition, students, in individual supervision and in small group supervision with the university supervisor, critique and analyze their actual counseling sessions. Feedback and analyses are given on these interactions by peers and the instructor. Through these processes each graduate student is assisted in developing his/her relationship skills and counseling style. Therefore, the practicum experience is an integral and vital part of the preparation program for professional counselors. Prerequisites: COUN 518, COUN 520 and Candidacy.
COUN 530  Cliniic Men Health Counsel Pra  3 Credits  
Provides a theoretical framework that focuses on meeting the counseling needs of identified target populations in a programmatic fashion. Prevention, crisis intervention, consultation and community-based interventions will be presented as well as needs assessments, goals formulation, intervention design and program evaluation. Prerequisites: COUN 501, COUN 502, COUN 503, COUN 504, COUN 505, COUN 506, and Candidacy.
COUN 531  Addictions Counseling  3 Credits  
This course provides an overview of the biological, psychological, and social dimensions of substance abuse and dependency. Addictive behaviors are presented as part of a continuum of mental and emotional disorders. The course emphasizes the biological component and developmental course of addictions as well as the relationship of addictive behavior to common psychological disorders. Models and theories of addictive behavior that the professional counselor needs to understand when treating clients with addictive and co-occurring disorders are reviewed.
COUN 532  Counseling Couples & Families  3 Credits  
An advanced counseling course designed to increase knowledge of family systems, theory, and structure in order to effectively assess, conceptualize and treat family issues. Prerequisites: COUN 501, COUN 502, COUN 503, COUN 504, COUN 505, and COUN 506.
COUN 533  Counseling Childn and Adolesc  3 Credits  
Provides an overview of childhood and adolescent development from various theoretical perspectives, as well as the assessment and treatment of emotional disorders prominent in childhood and adolescence. Prerequisites: COUN 501, COUN 502, COUN 503, COUN 504, COUN 505, and COUN 506.
COUN 534  Clinical Mental Health Counsel  3 Credits  
An initial supervised experience in community counseling in which counseling theory and organization of community counseling programs are applied to practice. Students are placed in agency setting. In addition, students, in individual supervision and in small group supervision with the university supervisor, critique and analyze their actual counseling sessions. Feedback and analyses are given on these interactions by peers and the instructor. Through these processes each graduate student is assisted in developing his/her relationship skills and counseling style. Therefore, the practicum experience is an integral and vital part of the preparation program for professional counselors. Prerequisites: COUN 535 and Candidacy.
COUN 535  Abnormal Psychology and Diagno  3 Credits  
COUN 536  Trauma & Grief  3 Credits  
This course will address the impact of crises, disasters, and other trauma-causing events on people. In addition, students will explore the principles of crisis intervention, appropriate use of diagnosis during a related event, theories and models of individual and group and community resilience, operation of an emergency management system within schools and clinical mental health agencies, and self-care.
COUN 539  Theories of Personality  3 Credits  
COUN 540  School Counseling Internship I  3 Credits  
Supervised filed placement of students. Student experiences are expected to include clinical diagnoses, developing treatment plans, extensive counselor-client sessions, and follow-up of the client's progress. Students receive one hour of individual supervision on-site, one hour of individual university supervision and attend a weekly group supervision class. Prerequisites: COUN 518, COUN 520, COUN 521, COUN 522, COUN 524 and Candidacy.
COUN 541  School Counseling InternshipII  3 Credits  
Capstone for clinical field placement. Prerequisite: COUN 540.
COUN 542  Clinical Men.Health Intern. I  3 Credits  
Supervised filed placement of students. Student experiences are expected to include clinical diagnoses, developing treatment plans, extensive counselor-client sessions, and follow-up of the client's progress. Students receive one hour of individual supervision on-site, one hour of individual university supervision and attend a weekly group supervision class. Prerequisites: COUN 530, COUN 534 and Candidacy.
COUN 543  Clinical Men.Health Intern. II  3 Credits  
Capstone clinical field placement. Prerequisite: COUN 542.
COUN 577  Independent Study in Counselin  3 Credits  
COUN 590  Masters Advisement  1 Credit  
COUN 677  Independent Study in Counselin  1-3 Credits