Academic Catalog

Political Science (CPSC)

CPSC 106  Politics and Global Issues  3 Credits  
This course is offered as part of the General Education Core. The course introduces students to the discipline of Political Science and surveys the various fields of Political Science and comparative politics, political theory, and international relations. The course emphasizes training students to use technology and the learning skills of critical thinking, writing, and speaking.
CPSC 219  American Govern & Politics  3 Credits  
This is an introductory course providing understanding of the institutions and ideas basic to the American political experience and the process that shapes public participation and governmental decision.
CPSC 220  Introduction to Public Policy  3 Credits  
This course offers an exploration of three major policy areas: health, income inequality (poverty), and human resource development. It emphasizes effects of policy programs on a variety of groups and the overall costs and benefits of policies. Students explore topics through computer-game simulation, graphs, aggregate data, and conventional case-study readings.
CPSC 221  State & Local Government  3 Credits  
This course provides an examination of state and local governmental institutions, the tools of political participation as practiced by various groups, state and local public policies, and the role state and local governments play in the federal system.
CPSC 309  Introduction to Urban Planning  3 Credits  
This course presents an introduction to the history, theories, and activities of urban planning. Students discuss trends in urbanism and influences of technical and social change, particularly as these relate to planning for human resource development.
CPSC 313  Urban Politics & Policy  3 Credits  
The politics of the American metropolis is the focus of this course with primary focus on the use of power and influence. Students devote attention to the formulation and impact of public policies and to the conditions and politics of minorities in urban areas.
CPSC 315  Comparative Politics  3 Credits  
Students are introduced to the subfield of comparative politics and the use of key analytic concepts to generalize about political systems, the way they function, and the uniformities and variations in political systems.
CPSC 319  Electoral Politics  3 Credits  
This course presents the history of elections, political parties, electoral methods, and the practical aspects of campaigning, and voting behavior. Students consider the use of political questionnaires and polling and examine the platforms of political candidates in current races.
CPSC 322  International Relations  3 Credits  
This course introduces students to the basic concepts of international relations, including foreign policy decision-making, conflict, deterrence, interdependence, coercive diplomacy, and international systems. Special attention is given to major regional and global wars, the dynamics of interwar years, the Cold War era, the politics of international economics, and the influence of major nongovernmental actors in world affairs.
CPSC 336  Current World Problems  3 Credits  
Students are presented lectures on contemporary world issues, particularly as they affect the United States. Focusing on their individual areas of interest, students conduct extensive research on policies, problems, and solutions and lead class discussions on their findings. Prerequisite: PSC 219.
CPSC 337  Statistics I  3 Credits  
Introduction to descriptive statistics, including associational measures and probability. Prerequisite: General Education mathematics requirements.
CPSC 337L  Statistics I Lab  0 Credits  
Statistics I Lab
CPSC 338  Statistics II  3 Credits  
This course is an introduction to inferential statistics, hypothesis testing, simple use of analysis of variance, and correlation coefficients. Prerequisite: CPSC 337.
CPSC 338L  Statistics II Lab  0 Credits  
Statistics II Lab
CPSC 352  American Foreign Policy  3 Credits  
Students engage in an analysis of the formulation and execution of American foreign policy and its purposes and trends. The topics covered include historical evolution of U.S. foreign policy, economic and political factors, national and international determinants, instruments of policy execution, and major problems faced by recent presidential administrations.
CPSC 357  Congressional Politics  3 Credits  
Evaluation of American congressional machinery and roles. Students apply research techniques to the study of legistrative activities.
CPSC 361  Political Theory I  3 Credits  
Major political ideas, from Machiavelli to pre-Marxian socialism, are covered throughout this course, with a special focus on the concepts of power, legitimacy, authority, liberty, and equality.
CPSC 362  Political Theory II  3 Credits  
Major political ideas of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are examined, including modern notions of democracy, socialism, communism, liberalism, and nationalism.
CPSC 371  Science and Public Policy  3 Credits  
This course offers a survey of the use of science and the scientific method as applied to public policy. Government institutions involved in scientific studies are examined, and the role of expertise in policy making and the possible social effects of scientific discoveries are considered.
CPSC 372  Comparative Public Policy  3 Credits  
The difference in the scope and substance of major public policies affecting the United States and other countries, principally Western European, are examined in this course. Students explore the "how, why, and what" of government action in policy areas such as health, education, taxation, housing, transportation, and income maintenance.
CPSC 374  Constitutional Law  3 Credits  
This course focuses on an analysis of the U.S. Constitution using the case study method. Among topics covered are the Supreme Court, federal jurisdiction, commerce power, taxation, and spending powers. This course is highly recommended for students planning to attend law school.
CPSC 375  Political and Civil Rights  3 Credits  
Political and personal freedoms under the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution are examined. Sound analysis of the principles underlying civil and human rights is stressed. This course is especially recommended for students planning to attend law school. Prerequisite: PSC 374 or permission of the instructor.
CPSC 387  Scope and Methods of Research  3 Credits  
This course provides a formal introduction to concepts, theories and major subfields of political science, and essential social science research method and skills students will need to conduct qualitative and normative research on political and social issues. Students learn how to select and apply appropriate social science research techniques methods to a particular problem. Course limited to first-semester juniors and seniors.
CPSC 394  Pol in Contemporary Thought  3 Credits  
Review of current trends in modern political science. Students research the most recent research in the fields of public policy, historical and behavioral methods, political theory, international affairs, and American politics.
CPSC 420  Politics of Africa  3 Credits  
This course provides an overview of government and politics of modern Africa. It examines the ongoing dynamic relationship between modern and traditional political beliefs and institutions and identifies major issues, problems, and proposed solutions.
CPSC 479  Senior Thesis  3 Credits  
The senior, in consultation with her/his advisor, selects a thesis topic, and devotes a full semester to research design, and implementation, the results of which are submitted to the advisor and the Department in the form of a Senior Thesis written report and oral presentation. Prerequisites: CPSC 361, CPSC 362, and CPSC 387.
CPSC 480  Independent Study  3 Credits  
Students pursue a program of selected reading, research, and writing and engage in a critical examination of one or more selected topics under the guidance of an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department Chairperson.
CPSC 483  Independent Study  3 Credits  
Students pursue a program of selected reading, research, and writing and engage in a critical examination of one or more selected topics under the guidance of an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department Chairperson.
CPSC 484  Internship  3 Credits  
Varied internship placement programs are made available to juniors and seniors majoring in Political Science at all levels of government and in public interest organizations. Activities include attending seminars and completing research papers. Prerequisite: Approval by the Department Chairperson.
CPSC 490  Washington Internship  12 Credits  
This is an opportunity for a one-semester internship placement in a Washington, D.C.¿based agency or organization. Students attend seminars, work in a Congressional office, and produce a significant research paper documenting experiences and new learning. The internship is open to students in all majors who have outstanding academic records and are interested in careers in the public sector or current issues confronting the disadvantaged.
CPSC 497  Special Topics in PSC  3 Credits  
CPSC 500  Departmental Seminar  0 Credits  
A weekly meeting of all members of the Department set aside for exchange of ideas among the participants; guest lecturers are frequently invited. Required of all majors.
CPSC 505  Political Parties  3 Credits  
Explores the types, the nature and the different structures of political parties in America and abroad; theories about political parties are also explored.
CPSC 508  Seminar in Southern Politics  3 Credits  
Examination of Southern politics in state, nation, and the international arena; the approach is systematic and comprehensive, with focus on blacks in the region.
CPSC 509  The United States Presidency  3 Credits  
Analysis of the powers and organization of the U.S. presidency, with attention to power-gathering, domination of the legislative branch, and manipulation of the people.
CPSC 510  The Congressional Process  3 Credits  
Analysis of the U.S. Congress, especially the internal structure, power uses, pressure politics, executive relations, constituency relations and intra-Congress conflicts.
CPSC 511  American Federalism  3 Credits  
Survey of the origins, institutions and operation of federalism in the United States; the nature of this structure and its consequences are examined in relationship to minorities.
CPSC 512  Black City Politics  3 Credits  
Comparative assessment of the impact of the ascendancy of black elected officials in specified American cities; analyses of the mechanics which brought blacks to power, problems blacks experience in exercising power, and impact of black leadership on the delivery and quality of city services.
CPSC 513  American Political Process  3 Credits  
Analysis of factors, institutions and actors in the American political arena; study of access to various structures and political organizations from the view of all groups within a pluralistic society.
CPSC 517  Women in Political Seminar  3 Credits  
Survey of the role of women as political activists and office holders on the international, national and local levels, with emphasis on the participation of minority women in U.S. politics.
CPSC 518  Seminar in Urban Problems  3 Credits  
A rotating topic seminar involving in-depth exploration of problems common to major urban centers; topic will be announced each semester.
CPSC 519  Urban Politics  3 Credits  
Survey of dilemmas, limitations and potentialities of urban political activity in America exposes students to various approaches to the study of urban politics and assessment of impact of blacks upon political activity of contemporary urban centers.
CPSC 522  Urban Political Movements  3 Credits  
Examination of political organizations seeking to create basic changes in public policy of various urban centers and review of goals, strategies and methods of these organizations and their impact upon the urban landscape.
CPSC 523  Atlanta City Politics  3 Credits  
Survey of the political system in Atlanta with focus on resources, strategies and tactics of black and white actors in shaping Atlanta¿s politics, programs and developing political institutions.
CPSC 525  Political Demo & Urban Change  3 Credits  
Analysis of impact of population shifts and other demographic factors upon urban change; special emphasis upon black migration patterns and resulting public policy.
CPSC 526  Approaches..Study of Urban Pol  3 Credits  
Examination and critique of various conceptual schemes as tools for analyzing urban political development and review of major theoretical works purporting to explain urban political phenomena.
CPSC 529  Comparative Political Systems  3 Credits  
Survey of political structures, institutions, ideologies, interest groups and governmental systems; analysis of decision-making processes, political conflicts and change, and group interaction; examination of models of political systems.
CPSC 530  Gov't & Politics of Latin Amer  3 Credits  
Examination of Latin American political institutions and political forces, with special attention to role of the military and the church and the legacy of European and U.S. exploitation.
CPSC 531  Politics in Developing States  3 Credits  
Examination of political processes in developing countries; problems arising in transition from traditional societies to modern industrial states examined to describe typical patterns of political change.
CPSC 535  Politics of Revolutionary..  3 Credits  
Analysis of ideas which generate fundamental change, leadership and move¬ments which organize change and examination of their successes and/or failures.
CPSC 537  Gov't & Politics of Caribbean  3 Credits  
Examination of political processes in Caribbean states with special emphasis on political problems arising in transition from colonial status to independence.
CPSC 539  Third World Women & Dev.  3 Credits  
History, status and role of Third-World women in development, governmental policies and practices toward women as well as movements and activities of Third-World women examined.
CPSC 540  Politics of Multinational Corp  3 Credits  
Study of impact of MNCs on the international system and national politics and economics, particularly in the Third-World; special emphasis on the issue of development, dependency, sovereignty and control.
CPSC 541  Politics and Education  3 Credits  
Examination of role of education in creation and maintenance of a political culture and role of politics in the creation and philosophy of education structures; the relationship between political education and political participation.
CPSC 542  Seminar on Comparative Politic  3 Credits  
Designed for advanced students concentrating in Comparative Politics; focus on readings and research on selected topics and problems in comparative politics.
CPSC 543  Political Theory  3 Credits  
In-depth analysis of major schools of thought in the field of political theory from the classical period to the present.
CPSC 548  U.S. Constitutional Law  3 Credits  
Study of the law of the United States Constitution through an analysis of federal court cases, Supreme Court cases, and other primary and secondary material.
CPSC 552  Seminar in US Gov"t & Politics  3 Credits  
Explores contemporary issues and problems in American government and politics.
CPSC 553  Blacks & the Amer Pol System  3 Credits  
Assessment of the position of blacks in the political system of the United States, with special attention to alternative political strategies for the present political epoch.
CPSC 560  Afr Amr Political Thought  3 Credits  
Analysis of categories of black political thought; emphasis on meaning of theory related to black political thinking.
CPSC 570  International Relations  3 Credits  
Analysis of interlocking factors of geography, population, race, nationalism, and economics as fundamental forces in national power; study of diplomatic, ideological, imperialistic and military rivalries in the contest for world power.
CPSC 572  Int'l Relations of Afr Studies  3 Credits  
Examination of relations among African states and their role in Third World and International politics.
CPSC 573  U.S. Foreign Policy  3 Credits  
Analysis of formation and execution of foreign policy; focus on role of domestic forces and governmental institutions in policy making and contrasting interpretations of U.S. foreign relations.
CPSC 574  Third Nations & Int'l Politics  3 Credits  
Role of policies, actions and techniques of Third-World nations in the international area analyzed for trends and continuities.
CPSC 576  Military Power in Int'l Rel.  3 Credits  
Military power as a technique to achieve goals in the international arena; special attention to contemporary warfare and wars of liberation.
CPSC 577  International Organizations  3 Credits  
General development of world organizations; principles, structures, methods, and operation of international governmental institutions; special attention to the United Nations and related agencies.
CPSC 579  Politics of Int'l Trade  3 Credits  
Identification and analysis of the political forces which influence commerce among nations; special attention to trade relations between industrial and nonindustrial nations.
CPSC 591  Gov't & Politics of Modern Afr  3 Credits  
Contemporary government and politics of the states of Africa, providing exposure to African political culture and its historical background, and to political trends and ideologies.
CPSC 595  Seminar in African Politics  3 Credits  
In-depth study of one or more important issues in contemporary African political analysis, with either a one-country focus or a comparative perspective; topics vary from semester to semester. Prerequisites: CPSC 591 and consent of instructor; may be taken twice for academic credit.
CPSC 598  African Political Economy  3 Credits  
Analysis of the social basis and the orientation of the politics and administration of economic and social change in postcolonial Africa, with emphasis on the ideologies of socialism and the realities of neocolonialism, dependence, and capitalist development. Prerequisite: CPSC 591.
CPSC 599  Soc Clev & Political Conflict.  3 Credits  
Sociological analysis of the cleavages in African social structure and their impact on political conflict and change, with particular emphasis on the role of ethnoregional groups and social classes. Prerequisite: CPSC 591.
CPSC 600  African Political Ideas  3 Credits  
Survey course and resource mechanism designed to (1) identify political thinkers on the African continent and research their ideas, and (2) analyze works of major continental political thinkers of the contemporary era.
CPSC 601  Philosophy of Science  3 Credits  
Problems involved in scientific study of political society; epistemological consideration of ¿approaches¿ to the study of politics, and consideration of outstanding problems confronted by political scientists in their efforts to explain and predict.
CPSC 602  Scope & Method of Polt Inquiry  3 Credits  
Study of concepts and methods of social science, especially of political science; philosophy of science; presuppositions, aims and history of procedures and methods; research techniques, sources, bibliography and presentation and publication of investigative results; required of all majors.
CPSC 605  Seminar in Political Theory  3 Credits  
Problems of black political theory that have developed since the end of the civil rights era; evaluation of new concepts in black political theory and links between these con¬cepts and historical problems considered in African-American political theory.
CPSC 606  Feminist Theory  3 Credits  
Examines and analyzes various theoretical, strategic and political positions which characterize the literature and study of women, related issues; special emphasis on study of black feminist theory.
CPSC 608  Problems in Political Sci Res.  3 Credits  
Intensive examination of problems of conceptualization, design and experimen¬tation in political science research.
CPSC 640  Independent Research  3 Credits  
Designed to give students opportunity for advanced research in such fields and on such topics as may be agreed upon between the individual and the instructor. Students are permitted to take only one (1) Independent Research.
CPSC 701  M.A. Thesis Consultation  1-3 Credits  
CPSC 705  M.A. Thesis Research  3 Credits  
CPSC 801  PHD Dissertation Consultation  1-3 Credits  
CPSC 805  PHD Dissertation Research  3 Credits