Psychology (CPSY)
CPSY 200C Research Seminar Non- Majors 4 Credits
CPSY 211 General Psychology 3 Credits
Introduction to basic psychological concepts and methodology. Surveys major research areas, including the nervous system, perception, learning, motivation, development, and personality. General Psychology provides the foundation for more advanced study in psychology.
CPSY 211H Honors General Psychology 3 Credits
Survey of the history, basic principles, and major areas of research in psychology, including contributions made by African Americans. Satisfies General Education core requirement.
CPSY 218 Human Growth & Development 3 Credits
Includes issues, theories, and research on the cognitive, social, personality, and physical development of humans throughout the lifespan with emphasis on the influences of gender and culture.
CPSY 220 Careers in Psychology 3 Credits
This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the potential careers and career paths in the field of psychology. This course will also provide students with an academic and career plan for their matriculation through the remaining years of their college career. Students will be able: to understand the interrelations among the content domains discussed; and to plan and implement a plan of study and career preparation.
CPSY 301 Educational Psychology 3 Credits
For prospective teachers: a survey of the basic principles, theories, and techniques of applying psychological theory to the learning process. Students identify common problems teachers confront in the classroom and apply course material to typical classroom situations.
CPSY 313 Statistics I 3 Credits
Descriptive statistics and the basic components of experimental design. Students are introduced to measures of central tendency and variation, making and interpreting graphs, and organizing data. Also covers probability and introduces students to one sample T-Test and Chi-Square. Prerequisites: CMAT 105 and CPSY 211.
CPSY 314 Statistics II 3 Credits
Hypothesis testing and inferential statistics. Students are introduced to a variety of statistical tests, both parametric and nonparametric, among which are regression, T-Tests, complex Chi-Square, independent and repeated analysis of variance tests, and Mann-Whitney U and Wilcox signed-ranks tests. Prerequisites: CPSY 211, and CPSY 313, and CMAT 105.
CPSY 315 Social Psychology 3 Credits
Study of the individual in society. Emphasis is on cognition, attitude formation and change, and group behavior. Prerequisite: CPSY 211.
CPSY 316 Intro to Psychological Testing 3 Credits
CPSY 318 Industrial/Organizational Psy 3 Credits
CPSY 320 Social/Personality Development 3 Credits
A detailed look at the interaction between the physical, cognitive, and emotional aspects of development on topics such as moral reasoning, altruism, and the development of individuality. The ecological (family, peers, school, etc.) influences on the developing person will also be examined. Prerequisite: CPSY 211
CPSY 330 African-Centered Psychology 3 Credits
An examination of the behavior, attitudes, life-styles, and cultural heritage of African Americans. This course is offered to introduce students to concepts, theories, and research pertaining to Black Psychology. This course is organized around the premise that there is a distinctive, coherent African-centered perspective that is evident in the behavior, attitudes, life-styles, and expressive patterns of people of African descent. Prerequisite: CPSY 211.
CPSY 340 Psychology of Leadership 3 Credits
This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the content domain of leadership in psychology. This course will also provide an overview of how understanding leadership plays a role in many areas. Students will be able to understand the interrelations among the content domains discussed and apply concepts across the domains and recognize underlying themes. Weekly topics will be approached from both theoretical and applied perspectives.
CPSY 358 Human Sexuality 3 Credits
Understanding of human sexuality and its relationship to the emotional, physical, intellectual, and social aspects of the individual. Students also explore concepts of self-esteem and factors affecting interpersonal relationships.
CPSY 371 Experimental Psychology I 3 Credits
CPSY 371L Experimental Psychology Lab 1 Credit
The Experimental Lab is structured to apply psychological concepts into a research setting in order for students to statistically analyze collected data.
CPSY 372 Experimental Psychology II 4 Credits
Basic abd advanced concepts in nlearning theory. Students work with a variety of vertebrates and invertebrates in the laboratory, covering such topics as classical conditioning, operant conditioning, habituation, maze learning, aversive conditioning, and mathematical models in learning. Three lecture hours and two labs per week. Prerequisities: CPSY 211 and 313
CPSY 377 History/Systems of Psychology 3 Credits
Philosophical antecedents of the concepts of modern psychology. Students explore the life and works of significant personalities in the field of psychology and trace major theoretical viewpoints in the historical development of modern psychology. Prerequisite: CPSY 211.
CPSY 385 Abnormal Psychology 3 Credits
Study of psychopathology, including history, demography, etiology, diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment. Prerequisite: CPSY 211.
CPSY 390 Forensic Psychology 3 Credits
This course is a study of the psychological theories and research that address legal issues, and the role of psychologists play in the criminal justice system. This course gives an overview of services provided by psychologists, such as expert witnessing, criminal profiling, trial consulting, legal decision making on child custody, jury selection, and other issues. Coverage will include the assessment and therapeutic services provided to individuals in forensic settings with suspected deviant behaviors such as drug abuse, mental illness, homicide, and sexual deviance. Also covered are the ethical issues confronted by psychologists in the criminal justice system.
CPSY 410 Organizational Behavior 3 Credits
Exploration of organizational behavior and human performance in organization. Students examine structure, the selection process, performance appraisal, control systems, and reward practices as means of affecting human behavior in organizations. Prerequisite: CBUS 340. or CPSY 318, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, may be taken as a substitute course. Survey of methods and findings in the scientific study of humans at work as applied to business, industry and government. Topics include employee selection, training and motivation. Prerequisites: CPSY 211 and CBUS 313.
CPSY 413 Learning 3 Credits
Current theories and research on the processes of learning and memory. Topics studied include classical and operant conditioning, reinforcement and punishment, discrimination and generalization, and the various parts of the human memory system. Prerequisite: CPSY 211.
CPSY 415 Physiological Psychology 3 Credits
Study of physiological aspects of human behavior, with emphasis on neurological structure and function. Major topics include the basic structure and function of neurons and the nervous system as well as the physiological basis of eating and drinking, sexual behavior, sleep and dreaming, and drug abuse. Prerequisites: CPSY 211 and CBIO 111.
CPSY 417 Independent Research 3 Credits
CPSY 418 Seminar 3 Credits
Exploration of diverse topics in psychology, such as job opportunities, test preparation, graduate school opportunities, and current events with psychological implications. Presenters include students, faculty and professional psychologists. Also serves as a forum for students and faculty to present their research findings. Prerequisites: CPSY 211 and senior standing (at least 88 credits completed).
CPSY 420 Special Topics 3 Credits
Lectures, reports, and discussions of selected topics of interest and importance to advanced undergraduate psychology majors. Select topics could range from forensics to drugs and behavior. Prerequisite: CPSY 211.
CPSY 432 Intro, to Clinical Psychology 3 Credits
CPSY 480 Independent Study 3 Credits
Students, in consultation with supervising faculty member, follow detailed plans of self-directed study on topics of the students' choice. Prerequisites: CPSY 211 and permission of the instructor.
CPSY 488 Internship 3 Credits
A semester of firsthand experience working in a psychological agency with clients needing help with psychological problems. Interns work three (3) hours each week under the direction of a professional within a designated agency and a member of the Department of Psychology faculty. Students must arrange internship details with the agency and the Department. Satisfies the University-wide service requirement. Prerequisites: CPSY 211 and junior or senior standing.
CPSY 491 Internship 3 Credits
A semester of firsthand experience working in a psychological agency with clients needing help with psychological problems. Interns work three (3) hours each week under the direction of a professional within a designated agency and a member of the Department of Psychology faculty. Students must arrange internship details with the agency and the Department. Satisfies the University-wide service requirement. Prerequisites: CPSY 211 and junior or senior standing.
CPSY 492 Cooperative Educ Experience 3 Credits
Opportunity for students to work in a psychological agency in order to acquire practical experience in psychological work and a better understanding of human relations. Students design their cooperative experience in collaboration with a sponsoring agency and University Cooperative Education personnel, ensuring that the proposed experience parallels and enhances their academic studies. Prerequisites: CPSY 211 and approval by the Department Chair.
CPSY 495 Cooperative Educ Experience 3 Credits
Opportunity for students to work in a psychological agency in order to acquire practical experience in psychological work and a better understanding of human relations. Students design their cooperative experience in collaboration with a sponsoring agency and University Cooperative Education personnel, ensuring that the proposed experience parallels and enhances their academic studies. Prerequisites: CPSY 211 and approval by the Department Chair.