Religion (CREL)
CREL 101 The Biblical Heritage 3 Credits
The study of the literature of the Bible and its influence on the shaping of Western culture. Modern biblical scholarship examines selected readings from the Old and New Testaments noting their contributions to the understanding of human existence.
CREL 103 Afr Amer Religious Experiences 3 Credits
Provides analysis of the origin, development and social significance of African-American religious beliefs and practices from a historical perspective.
CREL 104 Afr Amer Religious Experience 3 Credits
Emphasizes the contemporary period, including the latest developments in black liberation theologies.
CREL 211 Intro to Religious Studies 3 Credits
An introduction to the study of religion in a variety of contexts: historical, social, psychological, scientific, philosophical, artistic, and literary. Readings include representative works from the past and present.
CREL 241 American Religious Tradition 3 Credits
Historical approach to the American religious tradition as inclusive of cultural and ethnic diversity. CREL 241 extends into the late nineteenth century and includes topics such as American Indian tribal religions, the Great Awakening, Wesleyan evangelicalism, religious freedom, slavery and Christianity, and the rise of black churches and movements.
CREL 242 American Religious Tradition 3 Credits
Focuses on the twentieth century, examining media evangelism, the rise of cults, the church and human rights issues, ecumenism and the burgeoning of Eastern religions, such as African traditional religions in America. Students may take either course independently or both in sequence.
CREL 250 Comparative Religion 3 Credits
Course offers a comparative survey of selected religious traditions from the East and West, including traditional African religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
CREL 352 Hist of Christian Thought 3 Credits
Examines major Christian thinkers of the modern period, including the latest developments in black and feminist theology. Students may take either course independently or both in sequence.
CREL 361 Culture and Religion 3 Credits
A study of structure, function, and influence of religion from a cultural perspective. Drawing from recent sociological and anthropological literature. Explores the origin, significance, and relation of religion to culture.
CREL 362 Psychology of Religion 3 Credits
An examination of the major aspects of religious experience by means of psychological study. Entails critical discussions and analyses of traditional and contemporary psychological theories as these apply to evaluating the impact of religious experiences.
CREL 375 Religion and the Media 3 Credits
CREL 383 Religions of Africa 3 Credits
Examines representative religious traditions of Africa, including African tribal religions and adaptations of non-indigenous ones.
CREL 401 Off-campus Study 3 Credits
For students who wish to take courses at institutions outside of the Atlanta University Center or to study abroad as part of their major program.
CREL 435 Contemporary Religious Thought 3 Credits
New developments in Western religious thought, with emphasis on critical examination of representative religious thinkers and movements of the present century. Topics include rethinking of the concept of God; the rise of ethical relativism, pluralism, and secularism; and new forms of theology, such as process, black theology, feminist, and metaphorical theologies.
CREL 451 Special Topics in Religion 3 Credits
New developments in Western religious thought, with emphasis on critical examination of representative religious thinkers and movements of the present century. Topics include rethinking of the concept of God; the rise of ethical relativism, pluralism, and secularism; and new forms of theology, such as process, black theology, feminist, and metaphorical theologies.
CREL 452 Special Topics 3 Credits
Special Topics
CREL 453 Spec Top: Egyptian Hieroglyphi 3 Credits
Special Topics
CREL 482 Independent Study 3 Credits
In order to further develop their analytical and interpretive skills, students in consultation with their instructor may select an appropriate subject for study. Independent Study requires extensive reading and written work.
CREL 483 Independent Study in Religion 3 Credits
In order to further develop their analytical and interpretive skills, students in consultation with their instructor may select an appropriate subject for study. Independent Study requires extensive reading and written work.
CREL 484 Internship in Religion 1-3 Credits
In consultation with their advisors, students may select an internship that articulates with their prospective career choices.
CREL 485 Internship 3 Credits
In consultation with their advisors, students may select an internship that articulates with their prospective career choices.
CREL 486 Internship in Religion 3 Credits
In consultation with their advisors, students may select an internship that articulates with their prospective career choices.
CREL 487 Internship in Religion 1-3 Credits
In consultation with their advisors, students may select an internship that articulates with their prospective career choices.