Academic Catalog

School of Business (CSB)

CSB 5210  Marketing Management  3 Credits  
From the perspective of the marketing manager, texts, readings, actual cases, and marketing-plan developments used by the student to approach problems of planning and competitive analysis, policies and strategies, decision making, and social responsibility in marketing. Producing an actual marketing plan.
CSB 5410  Financial Management  3 Credits  
Provides broad exposure to financial issues useful to general management in an increasingly global multidisciplinary environment; enables students to develop useful approaches in analyzing risks and financial returns in a variety of business situations, and the process of reaching the optimum decision from their analysis. Topics include financial forecasting, working capital management, valuation, short-term financing, capital structure planning, and capital investment decisions.
CSB 5510  Intro to Information Systems  3 Credits  
Overview of information processing techniques and equipment and their impact on the organization; exposes software consideration and provides opportunity for learning a programming language.
CSB 5512  Global Economics  3 Credits  
This course is the study of aggregate economic activity from a global perspective taking into account the dynamics of the global economy and their implications for domestic macroeconomic performance and business/economic decision making. Major macroeconomic variables, such as output, investment, savings, employment/unemployment, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, trade and budget deficits, are examined within an integrated open-economy analytical framework that incorporates trans-national flows of goods, services, assets, and other forms of economic linkages. The course discusses major current economic issues and challenges faced by the US and global economy as well as the effects and limitations of policy responses and how these may impact business performance and decisions.
CSB 5513  Managerial Economics  3 Credits  
This course introduces students to the basic principles of economics and their applications to managerial decision making. The course begins with the analysis of consumers and producers individual decision making process of consumption and production respectively. It then develops and applies microeconomic principles primarily to business making with limited applications to public policy. Applications covered include supply/demand analysis, consumer choice, production and cost functions, and production and pricing decisions under alternative market structures: the perfectly and imperfectly competitive market environment.
CSB 5606  Advanced Auditing  3 Credits  
Utilization of analytical procedures to understand a client's business; identify unusual trends, relationships, and variations in financial statements; evaluate the reasonableness of the numbers in financial statements; identify potential risks associated with the audit; and plan the nature, timing, and extent of audit procedures. Students utilize available research materials, databases, personal auditing experience, and practitioner sources to address relevant issues. Emphasis is on analysis, teamwork, writing, and presentation skills. Prerequisite: CSB 6615 with a minimum grade of "C".
CSB 5690  Fund Accounting  3 Credits  
Provides a working knowledge of governmental and nonprofit accounting and financial reporting, and prepares students for professional certification in these areas. The course incorporates real world problems in the study of governmental accounting regulations. Nonprofit accounting instruction gives students the knowledge needed to work with nonprofits as auditors, board members, or volunteers.
CSB 5709  Mangerial Comm & Leadership De  3 Credits  
Designed to increase knowledge of verbal, nonverbal and written communications that take place in an organization; grammar applications; effective letter writing, memoranda construction; preparation of executive summaries and proposals; individual and group oral presentations; and related office cases and exercises are emphasized. Prerequisite: first year's core courses.
CSB 5710  Organizational Behavior  3 Credits  
Emphasis on developing understanding and knowledge of organizational behavior and human performance in the organization setting.
CSB 5712  Legal,Social & Ethical Aspects  3 Credits  
Study of basic legal concepts and procedures as well as basic principles pertaining to fundamental business transactions; cases used to identify the effect of laws on business policy decisions; social and ethical aspects of business are also described.
CSB 6200  Marketing Strategy  3 Credits  
Case and literature studies employed to provide the basis for the understanding of marketing strategy, its implementation, and control functions. Preparation of a marketing plan is required; emphasis is on the application of controllable variables in marketing (required for marketing concentration). Prerequisite: SB 5210.
CSB 6210  Marketing Research & Info Sys  3 Credits  
Behavioral sciences provide framework for understanding descriptive and analytical marketing research procedures. Basic orientation to use of statistical techniques and structure and uses of marketing information systems by business and industry included. Prerequisite: SB 5210. Experience writing research paper using SPSS to analyze database.
CSB 6212  Advertising & Promotion Mgmt  3 Credits  
Focus on building in a global setting advertising campaigns that reflect integration of advertising management philosophy and current industry trends. Development and execution of a comprehensive advertising campaign reflecting a comprehensive plan of personnel organization, creativity, media, research, budget; coordination is required. Prerequisite: SB 5210.
CSB 6213  Consumer Behavior  3 Credits  
Treatment of consumer buying behavior as a decision-making process involving perceptions, attitudes and behavioral characteristics; by understanding the buyer's environment, shows how marketing effort may influence and alter purchase behavior. Prerequisite: SB 5210.
CSB 6218  Brand & Product Management  3 Credits  
Study of management of existing products and development of new ones; considers new product strategy, concept generation and screening, launch and post-launch controls, and abandonment. Prerequisite: SB 5210.
CSB 6219  International Business  3 Credits  
Survey course concerned with study of global business environments as they affect the competitive advantage of international companies. Students are exposed to the diversity and complexity of international business relations. The emphasis will be on providing tools necessary to evaluate and take advantage of international business opportunities¿digitization, ethical, and environmental emphases.
CSB 6364  Strategic Sourcing  3 Credits  
This course addresses the strategic and operational role of the purchasing and supply management functions in the modern organization. The aim of this course is to get students acquainted with the fundamental concepts, models and instruments in areas such as strategic cost management, contract management, and total cost of ownership and negotiating. Prerequisite: CSB 6512
CSB 6365  Logistics Management  3 Credits  
This course provides an overview of key logistics processes, concepts, and methodologies. Emphasis is given the analysis of logistics cost, and service trade-offs among inventory, transportation, and warehousing activities, the use of third-party logistics providers, and the methods of measuring the value of logistics performance.
CSB 6366  Process Principles and Tools  3 Credits  
This course teaches process management principles (i.e. Six-Sigma) as an organizational quality system and a set of statistical tools that have helped the world's leading companies save millions of dollars and improve customer satisfaction.
CSB 6411  International Financial Mgmt  3 Credits  
Introduces the process of financial management in the international context; extends analysis of the financial management course to include effect of international forces on foreign investment and cash flows and develops strategies which the financial manager can use for effective management. Topics include study of international capital markets, Country Risk Analysis, Foreign exchange market, derivative instruments and risk management, financing international trade and capital budgeting in an international context. Prerequisite: CSB 5410.
CSB 6413  Capital Markets & Invest Bank.  3 Credits  
Examines role of investment banking firms in the capital acquisition process, from the points of view of security issuing firms and institutional and individual investors active in capital markets. Topics include the security issuance by both corporate and not-for-profit organizations, and the role of the investment bank in corporate restructuring and corporate control contests. Prerequisite: SB 5410.
CSB 6414  Management of Financial Inst  3 Credits  
Examines the role of financial institutions in the financial system; with special emphasis on depository financial institutions. Study of the different types of financial institutions that include Investment Banks, Insurance companies, Pension Funds, Commercial Banks and Savings and Loans. Analysis and discussion of the changing regulatory environment, the performance of financial institutions in this environment, asset-allocation decisions, asset-liability management, international operations and the international financial system, asset securitization and other contemporary topics in financial services. Teaching methods include lectures, cases and problem solving. Prerequisite: SB 5410.
CSB 6416  Management of Finance Resource  3 Credits  
Examines the long-term asset selection and allocation policies of corporations. Coverage includes advanced topics in capital budgeting, leasing, valuation of corporate assets, applications of options in Corporate Finance and interaction of investment and financing decisions. Teaching methods include case analysis, lectures and a term project. Computer usage required. This is a required course for all MBA students with a concentration in Finance. Prerequisite: SB 5410.
CSB 6417  Security Analysis & Portfolio  3 Credits  
Development and implementation of evaluative techniques of security analysis and portfolio management utilizing case analysis, lectures and problem solving. Securities analyzed include stocks, bonds, convertibles, asset-backed bonds, options and mutual funds. Examines risk and return characteristics in a portfolio management context. Emphasis on performance measurement, equilibrium pricing and valuation models, anomalies and other strategies. Teaching methods include case analysis and discussion. Prerequisite: SB 5410.
CSB 6476  Strategic Supply Chain Pract  3 Credits  
The course provides an integrated, comprehensive perspective of supply chain management concepts and principles of managing organizational changes imposed by organizational transformations. Course consists of a team-based project company¿s supply chain management issues. Prerequisites: CSB 6364, 6365
CSB 6510  Data Analysis  3 Credits  
Development of student's ability to integrate the knowledge of various functional fileds of business. It approaches the field of policy making and administration from a top management point of view.
CSB 6512  Operations Management  3 Credits  
Develops ability to recognize, analyze, and solve typical problems of production and operations in manufacturing and service sectors. Topics include forecasting, TQM, JIT, allocation of scarce resources, strategic capacity planning, facility location, facility layout, CPM, PERT, inventory control for independent demand, MRP, and supply chain management. Prerequisite: CSB 6510.
CSB 6517  Computer App. in Decision Sci.  3 Credits  
Designed to introduce the students to theories and applications on optimization and simulation as tools for solving business problems, using software packages which are widely used in industry. Prerequisite: CSB 6510.
CSB 6523  Forecasting  3 Credits  
Develops a conceptual framework of business forecasting methods. Students have hands-on experience with applications of a range of forecasting techniques to real-world business problems, using software packages.
CSB 6600  Operations & Supply Management  3 Credits  
Develop the ability to recognize, analyze, and solve typical problems of productions and operations manufcturing and service sectors. Topics include forecasting, TQM, JIT, allocation of scarce resources, strategic capacity planning, facility location, facility layout, CPM, PERT, inventory control for indepenedent demand, MRP, and Supply Chain Management.
CSB 6601  Financial Reporting I  2 Credits  
Teaches in depth the basics of financial accounting. Students focus on learning the critical “mechanics” of financial accounting — the methods that accountants use to translate events and transactions into balance sheets, income statements and statements of cash flow for use by the entity’s external stakeholders.
CSB 6602  Financial Reporting II  2 Credits  
A continuation of Financial Reporting I. The course teaches in depth advanced topics of financial accounting. Topics such as accounting for pensions, foreign currency translations, and accounting for deferred income taxes are included.
CSB 6603  Sem. in Financial Reporting I  3 Credits  
Examines the environmental factors that affect accounting standard-setting and decision-making, and the mechanics of accounting for events and transactions that have an economic effect on the firm.
CSB 6604  Sem. in Financial Reporting II  3 Credits  
A continuation of Financial Reporting I and further examines the theoretical foundations of financial reporting and accounting standard setting. Course participants will gain an understanding of full-disclosure requirements for reporting to external stakeholders in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
CSB 6605  Accounting for Decision Making  3 Credits  
This is a one semester course involving intensive study of financial and management accounting principles and concepts to provide quantitative information, primary financial in nature, about economics entities useful in making business decisions.
CSB 6610  Managerial Accounting  3 Credits  
A one-semester course involving intensive study of management accounting principles and concepts to provide information, primarily financial in nature, about economic entities useful in making business decisions. Prerequisite: CSB 6600, Financial Accounting with a minimum grade of "C".
CSB 6618  International Accounting  3 Credits  
Identifies the primary issues in the area of global financial reporting with a focus on multinational business risks and accounting implications, regulation of accounting and attestation in different countries, and reporting financial performance in a global context. The class considers how international reporting requirements help or hinder access to capital markets and examines the current state of convergence toward global reporting standards Prerequisites: CSB 6600 and CSB 6610 with minimum grades of "C".
CSB 6620  Cost Management Systems  3 Credits  
Focuses on the analysis and reporting of resources costs and resource consumption explicitly directed at strategic management. The key elements to be studied are cost structure, value chain analysis, strategic cost management, and cost driver analysis in support of strategic and operational decisions. Prerequisites: CSB 6600 and CSB 6610 with minimum grades of "C".
CSB 6621  Current Acctg Theory & Pract I  3 Credits  
Examines the financial reporting problems that arise from mergers and acquisitions and from complex, multinational entities. The focus includes fair value accounting for business acquisitions, consolidation of financial statements, and cross-currency translation of financial statement. Class time will include lecture, discussion, and problem-solving. Prerequisite: CSB 6600 and CSB 6610 with minimum grades of "C".
CSB 6623  Adv. Accounting Info Systems  3 Credits  
Study of accounting system data security, fiduciary and reliability risks and mitigating internal controls. Emphasis is on the revenue and expense cycles and computer assisted audit techniques. Prerequisite: CSB 6600 and CSB 6610 with minimum grades of "C".
CSB 6624  Sem Acct. Info. & Control Sys  1.5 Credits  
Provides students with the knowledge of design and operation of computerized accounting systems including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems such as SAP. The focus of this course includes the integration of accounting information system applications along with data analytics to produce relevant and reliable management reports.
CSB 6631  Sem. in Acct. & Taxation Res I  3 Credits  
Analyzes tax laws with respect to corporate formation, shareholder distributions, liquidations, divestitures, mergers and acquisitions.
CSB 6632 Acct. & Taxation Res II  3 Credits  
Provides thorough coverage of advanced topics in tax accounting, including but not limited to state and local taxation, multinational income taxation, tax policy, tax practice and administration, advanced topics in the taxation of C corporations, advanced topics in the taxation of flow-through entities, estates, gifts and trusts, taxation of tax-exempt entities, and financial accounting for income taxes.
CSB 6640  Intro. to Auditing Assurance  2 Credits  
Designed to introduce the standards and principles of auditing, procedures for conducting an audit, and the preparation of working papers and reports. Major topics include control and prevention of fraud and errors through internal control systems, moral and legal responsibilities of auditors, and professional ethics.
CSB 6641  Sem. in Auditing and Assurance  3 Credits  
Offers a foundation in the external audit function and stresses the role and value of auditing in business. Students consider the effect of environmental factors and standards on auditors' judgments of client acceptance, risk assessment, planning, evidence gathering and reporting.
CSB 6650  Sem. in Not-for-Profit Acct.  1.5 Credits  
Introduces basic concepts and techniques of fund accounting with reporting and management problems of not-for-profit organizations and governmental bodies.
CSB 6660 Bus.Analy & Valuation I  1.5 Credits  
The capstone course of the Financial Accounting sequence. It provides an applied perspective on analyzing firms’ financial statements using lectures and case studies. Key topics include earnings management, profitability analysis, credit analysis, predicting financial distress, pro-forma business modeling and industry analysis.
CSB 6661 Bus. Anly& Valuation II  1.5 Credits  
The second part of the 2-part seminar on Business Analysis and Valuation. The emphasis in this second part is on different valuation methods used in valuing Business enterprises with particular focus on valuing the private (non-publicly traded firms). The materials in this seminar will also provide significant coverage of the materials required for the Certified Business Valuation Analyst examination. A culminating, experiential learning exercise is the completion of a valuation project by each student.
CSB 6670  Sem. in Law and Regulation  1.5 Credits  
A study of basic legal concepts and procedures as well as basic principles pertaining to fundamental business transactions; cases are used to identify the effect of laws on business policy decisions; social and ethical aspects of business are also described. Students are introduced to the role of the court systems in business and the concepts of contract and agency. Students are also introduced to the social and ethical aspects of business. The course also examines partnerships, corporations, commercial paper, secured transaction sales, consumer credit, bankruptcy, and modern legislation regulating business.
CSB 6690  Ethics and Corp. Governance  1.5 Credits  
Addresses ethical theories coupled with critical thinking approaches to analyzing ethical issues. These courses help students understand when they confront ethical issues and provide a mechanism for helping students think their way through to making ethical decisions. These courses provide a useful way to identify and understand the values they bring to bear in making important decisions with ethical components. In addition, students will develop critical managerial and leadership skills in the areas of communication, persuasion and influence, team leadership and decision-making. Students also will participate in a management simulation created specifically for accounting professionals and receive feedback on their performance from industry executives.
CSB 6700  Entrepreneurship  3 Credits  
CSB 6710  Strategic Management  3 Credits  
Development of students' ability to integrate their knowledge of various functional fields of business; it approaches the field of policy-making and administration from a top-management point of view. Prerequisite: first year's core courses.
CSB 6718  Personel Management  3 Credits  
Aids students in understanding current theories and emerging practices in developing a sound personnel program in today's organizations. Prerequisite: CSB 5710.
CSB 6720  Entrepreneurial Thinking  3 Credits  
Focuses on all aspects of starting a business: selecting promising ideas, initiating new ventures and obtaining initial financing. Concentrates on how ventures are begun, how venture ideas and other key ingredients for start-ups are derived, and how to evaluate new venture proposals. Explores business plan development.
CSB 6721  Sports & Entertaining Marketin  3 Credits  
This course is designed for students interested in application of marketing principles to sports, entertainment, and event marketing. Emphasis is placed on the following principles as they apply to the industry: branding, licensing, and naming rights; business foundations; concessions and on site merchandising; economic foundations; promotion; safety and security; and human relations.
CSB 6722  Sports & Entertainment Law  3 Credits  
An examination of the sports and entertainment industry requires delving into the law of contracts, labor, anti-trust, intellectual property, torts, Internet and the U.S. Constitution. Our analysis begins by studying college sports, amateur sports, Olympic sports, and Title IX's impact on athletic opportunities for women. A significant amount of the classroom material is devoted to surveying the major professional team sports including looking at collective bargaining agreements, labor discord, privacy, salaries, drug testing and freedom of movement from team to team. The economic aspects of both professional sports and movie industry are explored. This includes looking at team franchise movement in professional sports and financing, producing, and distributing movies and TV. The role of the Screen Actors Guild is reviewed at length. Agency law is also examined in the context of the relationships involving agents (and/or managers) who represent celebrities and athletes.
CSB 6723  Managing & Operating Sprts Ent  3 Credits  
This course offers an overview of the sport business and entertainment industry and examines the principles and applications of sport business and entertainment management in professional, collegiate, and Olympic sports. Issues such as talent identification, hiring and firing, and cultural, social and community issues are explored.
CSB 7200  Special Problems in Marketing  3 Credits  
Independent-study course requiring pragmatic research. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
CSB 7400  Special Problems in Finance  3 Credits  
This special topics course provides an opportunity for an in-depth study of selected contemporary topics in finance, outside of the regular finance curriculum. The course can be repeated for course credit for different topics. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor or SB 5410.
CSB 7500  Spec Problems in Decision Sci  3 Credits  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
CSB 7501  Adv Top in Supply Management  3 Credits  
This course provides in-depth treatment of one or more advanced area of supply management. The topics will vary with each offering. Prerequisites: CSB 6364, 6365.
CSB 7600  Special Problems in Accounting  3 Credits  
A one-semester course including discussions of selected issues in Accounting. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Prerequisites: CSB 6600 and CSB 6610 with minimum grades of "C".
CSB 7700  Special Problems in Mgmt  3 Credits  
CSB 8000  IQQE  0.4 Credits  
CSB 8210  Marketing Management  1.7 Credits  
From the perspective of the marketing manager, texts, readings, actual cases, and marketing-plan developments used by the student to approach problems of planning and competitive analysis, policies and strategies, decision-making, and social responsibility in marketing producing an actual marketing plan. Elective Courses (Four required for marketing area of concentration in the MBA Program. Open to other MBA students as electives)
CSB 8230  Consumer Behavior  1.7 Credits  
Treatment of consumer buying behavior as a decision-making process involving perceptions, attitudes and behavioral characteristics; by understanding the buyer's environment, shows how marketing effort may influence and alter purchase behavior.
CSB 8252  Marketing Strategy  1.7 Credits  
Case and literature studies employed to provide the basis for the understanding of marketing strategy, its implementation, and control functions. Preparation of a marketing plan is required; emphasis is on the application of controllable variables in marketing (required for marketing concentration). Prerequisite: CSB 8510.
CSB 8261  Marketing of Nation  1.7 Credits  
From the standpoint of international managers, texts, cases, and research papers used to present the international process of planning and executing marketing programs worldwide. International trade theories are critically examined. Digitization, ethical, and environmental emphases.
CSB 8262  Sales Strategy  1.7 Credits  
Covers recruiting, training, motivating, compensating and evaluating sales personnel; it reflects target marketing to territorial allocations, control functions, setting of personal sales targets, and feedback process.
CSB 8420  Financial Management I  1.7 Credits  
This course is the first of a two-part required (core) Financial Management course for the MBAWP program. Consequently, the course is designed to provide all MBA students (regardless of intended concentration) the basic finance skills required for them to function effectively as general managers in an increasingly global, multidisciplinary environment. The course introduces students to the different areas of corporate finance and in particular those topics that are essential and indispensable to all business students. The treatment of all areas is based on ensuring that students have a conceptual understanding of the theory and the application of these concepts to realistic situations for the purpose of decision-making in the major areas of business. This first part covers the following topics: financial statement analysis, financial forecasting and working capital management.
CSB 8431  Financial Management II  1.7 Credits  
This course is the second of a two-part required (core) Financial Management course for the MBAWP program. Consequently, the course is designed to provide all MBA students (regardless of intended concentration) the basic finance skills required for them to function effectively as general managers in an increasingly global, multidisciplinary environment. The course introduces students to the different areas of corporate finance and in particular those topics that are essential and indispensable to all business students. The treatment of all areas is based on ensuring that students have a conceptual understanding of the theory and the application of these concepts to realistic situations for the purpose of decision-making in the major areas of business. This second part covers topics in valuation, the trade-off between risk and return (including the CAPM), capital budgeting and cost of capital estimation.
CSB 8440  Financial Markets  1.7 Credits  
This course primarily prepares students for an understanding of the financial markets, instruments and institutions that exist around the world. The course provides an in-depth study of money and capital markets and the management of financial institutions. Topics include an introduction to the various types of financial assets, financial markets and financial Institutions; regulation of the financial markets; financial innovations: derivative markets: futures, options and swaps; and interest rate determination. This MBAWP elective course requires that enrolled students have completed the First-Year Accounting course and Financial Management course with passing grades, in addition to all first year MBAWP core courses.
CSB 8451  Corporate Finance  1.7 Credits  
This course is the first part of a two-module series on corporate finance. The objective is to study the major decision-making areas of corporate finance. Emphasis will be placed on the long-term asset selection policies of non-financial corporations under conditions of certainty and uncertainty. The first module focuses on advanced topics and applications in cost of capital, capital expenditure analysis, leasing, and valuation analysis.
CSB 8452  Portfolio Management  1.7 Credits  
Development and implementation of evaluative techniques of security analysis and portfolio management utilizing case analysis. Securities analyzed include stocks, bonds, convertibles, asset-backed bonds, derivative securities and mutual funds. Examines risk and return characteristics in a portfolio management context. Emphasis on equilibrium pricing models, performance measurement, valuation models, and investment strategies. Teaching methods include case analysis and discussion.
CSB 8461  Corporate Finance II  1.7 Credits  
This course is the second part of a two-module series on corporate finance. The objective is to study the major decision-making areas of corporate finance. Emphasis will be placed on the long-term asset selection policies of nonfinancial corporations under conditions of certainty and uncertainty. The second module topics include applications of options in corporate finance, corporate restructuring, capital structure, long-term financing tactics and methods of cash distributions. This second module requires a comprehensive valuation project.
CSB 8462  Financial Strategy  1.7 Credits  
This course is an advanced, though brief, treatment of corporate financial strategy and policy. This course is an integral part of the Finance curriculum in the MBA for Working Professionals; it is the final module in a sequence of finance electives. In that respect, it is the capstone course in Finance. The objective of this course is to integrate the knowledge and skills from the different sub-disciplines of finance (investments, corporate, markets and banking) in the context of financial policy and strategy in financial and nonfinancial corporations. Topics include corporate restructuring and the formulation and implementation of corporate financial strategy. The case method is used throughout this module. A term project is required. Prerequisite: Financial Management 1 and 2, Corporate Finance- Module 1 and 2.
CSB 8463  Competitive Economics  1 Credit  
This is a course in competitive economics - a combination of economics and strategy. The course provides a basic understanding of the concepts, language and analytical tools in order to enhance decision-making in business in a competitive global environment. We will focus on decisions that firms should make and the factors that constrain and determine these choices. The course develops the tools of microeconomic analysis using the concepts of business policy, industrial organization, organizational behavior, strategic management, marketing, accounting and finance to achieve the goals set by the management in a macroeconomic environment.
CSB 8465  Global Business/Finance  1.3 Credits  
This course covers the financial systems and processes used by multinational corporations, international companies and all businesses engaged in cross-border trading, and foreign business activities, including foreign units engaged in manufacturing. The course investigates and analyzes global transactions and the flow of funds from global commerce. In addition, students learn the use of hedging strategies to minimize the risks associated with global business operations.
CSB 8510  Statistical Analysis I  1.7 Credits  
Use and application of descriptive statistics, probability, statistical inference, and analysis of variance.
CSB 8515  Economic Analysis  1.5 Credits  
An introduction to microeconomic analysis from a practical business perspective. Topics covered include supply and demand equilibrium, the principles of consumer choice, profit maximization, the effects of subsidies, price discrimination, price ceilings and floors and government regulation. The course provides a context for subsequent study of industry and corporate strategy.
CSB 8520  Statistical Analysis II  1.3 Credits  
Studies use and application of simple regression, multiple regression, and design of experiments.
CSB 8524  Information Systems II  1.2 Credits  
The purpose of this course is to illustrate the importance of determining information system requirements for all management levels by developing an understanding of the differences between various types of computer-based information systems (CBIS). Emphasis is on information systems support for management decision-making and competitive advantage.
CSB 8531  Production and TQM  2 Credits  
Defines the terms Quality, SQC (SPC), and TQM. Provides an overview of continuous process improvement (Kaizen) and various tools designed to control and monitor the process. Discusses process control chart, Deming's PDCA cycle, cost of quality, process capability, six sigma standard, Taguchi method, Pareto diagram, and Ishikawa diagram. Compares and contrasts the criteria for Deming Prize, Malcolm Baldridge Quality Award, and ISO 9000 series and ISO 14000 series.
CSB 8535  Global Economics  1 Credit  
CSB 8540  Acct Info Sys Anal & Design  1.7 Credits  
The design and specification of computer-based management information systems; analysis of various systems evaluation techniques, examination of existing systems new or modified designs, comparisons of software features and problems of computer security; emphasis on management usage of systems, including examination of overall organizational impact of systems installation.
CSB 8541  Operations Management  1 Credit  
Develops ability to recognize, analyze, and solve typical problems of production and operations in manufacturing and service sectors. Topics include forecasting allocation of scarce resources, strategic capacity planning, facility location, facility layout, CPM, PERT, inventory control for independent demand, MRP, ERP, and supply chain management.
CSB 8544  Management Info. Systems III  1.3 Credits  
Overview of information processing techniques and equipment and their impact on the organization; exposes software consideration and provides opportunity for learning a programming language.
CSB 8550  Optimization Simulation  1.3 Credits  
Introduces the students to the array of concepts, methodologies, and applications of optimization and simulation, which are extensively used in academic and business environments. In addition to Microsoft ® Excel, two major software, Lindo for optimization modeling and Crystal Ball for simulation modeling will provide the students with hands-on experiences in dealing with real-world business problems. Students are given latitude to pursue topics in a range of the areas of the decision sciences in which they have a special interest.
CSB 8561  Database Management  1.3 Credits  
The course examines the basic features of database management systems. Definitions and overview, design considerations, data description and data manipulation, physical storage of data, controls, etc.
CSB 8562  Forecasting  1 Credit  
Forecasting is an important part of business management. No rational decision can be made without taking some view of the future. A range of forecasting methods and major issues in forecasting are addressed to improve forecast accuracy and enhance quality in decision making.
CSB 8610  Managerial Accounting I  1.7 Credits  
A one-trimester course involving intensive study of financial accounting principles and concepts to provide quantitative information, primarily financial in nature, about economic entities useful in making business decisions. Prerequisites: Acceptance to the Working Professionals Master of Business Administration degree program.
CSB 8621  Managerial Accounting II  1.3 Credits  
A one-trimester course involving intensive study of financial and management accounting principles and concepts to provide information, primarily financial in nature, about economic entities useful in making business decisions. Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Working Professionals Master of Business Administration degree program and CSB 8610, Financial Accounting with a minimum grade of "C."
CSB 8632  Managerial/Finacial Accounting  1.7 Credits  
A one-trimester course involving intensive study of management accounting principles and concepts to provide information, primarily financial in nature, about economic entities useful in making business decisions. Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Working Professionals Master of Business Administration degree program and CSB 8621, Financial/Managerial Accounting with a minimum grade of "C."
CSB 8711  Executive Leadership I  1 Credit  
This course covers the financial systems and processes used by multinational corporations, international companies and all businesses engaged in cross-border trading, and foreign business activities, including foreign units engaged in manufacturing. The course investigates and analyzes global transactions and the flow of funds from global commerce. In addition, students learn the use of hedging strategies to minimize the risks associated with global business operations.
CSB 8720  Communications Workshop  1 Credit  
CSB 8721A  Organizational Behavior  1.7 Credits  
Topics include motivation, values, attitudes and job satisfaction, group dynamics, personality, conflict, managing diversity, decision, perception, etc. The overall objective of this course is to improve the skills you need to become a more effective manager. Organizational behavior, commonly referred to as OB, is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work. The three basic levels of analysis in OB are individual, group, and organizational. To be an effective manager, it is essential that one have practical knowledge that spans all three levels of organizational behavior.
CSB 8721B  Executive Leadership II  1 Credit  
Students will investigate the leadership task, which face managers in companies with worldwide operations. Initially, students will identify the forces of global change and the strategic challenges, which they present to managers. Subsequently, students will examine the leadership characteristics required to manage global operations in a changing environment.
CSB 8731  Organizational Behavior  1.3 Credits  
Topics include motivation, values, attitudes and job satisfaction, group dynamics, personality, conflict, managing diversity, decision, perception, etc. The overall objective of this course is to improve the skills you need to become a more effective manager. Organizational behavior, commonly referred to as OB, is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work. The three basic levels of analysis in OB are individual, group, and organizational. To be an effective manager, it is essential that one have practical knowledge that spans all three levels of organizational behavior.
CSB 8731B  Executive Leadership III  1 Credit  
Students will investigate the leadership task, which face managers in companies with worldwide operations. Initially, students will identify the forces of global change and the strategic challenges, which they present to managers. Subsequently, students will examine the leadership characteristics required to manage global operations in a changing environment.
CSB 8740  Managerial Communications  1 Credit  
CSB 8741  Leadership  0.25 Credits  
Students will investigate the leadership tasks, which face managers in companies with worldwide operations. Initially, students will identify the forces of global change and the strategic challenges, which they present to managers. Subsequently, students will examine the leadership characteristics required to manage global operations in a changing environment.
CSB 8745  Bus Legal Issues/Bus Ethics  1.3 Credits  
Study of basic legal concepts and procedures as well as basic principles pertaining to fundamental business transactions; cases used to identify the effect of laws on business policy decisions; social and ethical aspects of business are also described.
CSB 8751  Executive Leadership V  0.5 Credits  
Students will investigate the leadership tasks, which face managers in companies with worldwide operations. Initially, students will identify the forces of global change and the strategic challenges, which they present to managers. Subsequently, students will examine the leadership characteristics required to manage global operations in a changing environment.
CSB 8752  Managerial Communications II  1 Credit  
CSB 8761  Executive Leadership  0.5 Credits  
Students will investigate the leadership tasks, which face managers in companies with worldwide operations. Initially, students will identify the forces of global change and the strategic challenges, which they present to managers. Subsequently, students will examine the leadership characteristics required to manage global operations in a changing environment.
CSB 8800  Business Policy  3 Credits  
CSB 8850  Integrative Capstone Busi Proj  3 Credits