Academic Catalog

Political Science (HPSC)

HPSC 228G  Comparative Politics  3 Credits  
HPSC 350  Race and Law  3 Credits  
Overview of the role of race in the development of American Constitutional Law and examines landmark cases that have been decided by the Supreme court during the last one hundred and ninety four years which illustrate how the Supreme Court has both furthered and frustrated black Americans’ quest for equality.
HPSC 351  Introduction to Moot Court  3 Credits  
HPSC 354  Moot Court Skills Practicum  3 Credits  
HPSC 372  Urban Mgmt & Policy Analysis  3 Credits  
HPSC 475  Latin American Politics  3 Credits  
Socio-economic characteristics of the emergent nations of Latin America, political structures, processes of political socialization, participation and public policy. Prerequisite: PSC 285 or equivalent.
HPSC 489  Problems in Internat. Politics  3 Credits