Academic Catalog

Japanese (SFLJ)

SFLJ 101  Elementary Japanese  4 Credits  
Introduction to the study of the Japanese language, limited to students with little or no previous exposure to the elementary level of Japanese. The first-year courses help students acquire a basic structural and communicative competence in the language through listening, speaking, reading and writing practice with an emphasis on pronunciation and intonation, basic sentence patterns, common idiomatic expressions, the hiragana, katakana and basic kanji writing systems. The required activities in the language laboratory/writing center form part of the coursework. These courses do not fulfill the general core requirement.
SFLJ 201  Intermediate Japanese  4 Credits  
Development and reinforcement of proficiency in oral communication, reading, and writing skills in Kanas and Kanji initiated in the previous 100-level Japanese courses. It introduces students to the more complex sentences requiring the use of verb conjugation and modifiers to enrich expressions in the subject and predicate structures needed to communicate on familiar topics presented in the text. The required activities in the language laboratory/writing center form an essential part of this course. Prerequisite: JPN 101 and 102 or placement.
SFLJ 402  Adv Jap In Cultural Context II  4 Credits  
Special reading assignments, investigative paper or research project in a specific area of Japanese language, literature, or culture directed by a specialist in that area. Prerequisite: Consent of the department.